
Lubinna, moje potovanje na Mars, kratek animirani film
ID Sekulić, Božidar (Author), ID Erič, Milan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Kamnik, Andrej (Comentor)

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V diplomski nalogi sem opisal proces izdelave animiranega filma Lubinna, moje potovanje na Mars. Osnovna ideja filma izhaja iz opazovanja sodobne družbe, ki je ne vidim distopično, temveč kot realen prikaz prihodnosti.?V prvem delu sem se ukvarjal z opredelitvijo in zgodovino animiranega filma ter z nastankom sodobne animacije. Pogledal sem veliko filmov, ki so me navdihnili za prizore in dogodke v filmu. Na podlagi pridobljenih informacij, izdelanega zgodborisa in animatica, sem se lotil opisovanja ustvarjalnega procesa, tehnik, posebnih učinkov, zvoka in ostalih podrobnosti. Pri izdelavi filma sem veliko eksperimentiral z različnimi tehnikami, ki bi lahko funkcionirale s futuristično vsebino zgodbe. Opisal sem tudi, komu je ta film namenjen in kaj je cilj tega filma. Končni izdelek je kratek domišljijski animirani film, ki si ga potencialni gledalci lahko interpretirajo na svoj način in jih lahko spodbudi k razmišljanju o prihodnosti naše civilizacije.

Keywords:vizualne komunikacije, animacija, film, animirani film, ilustracija, Mars, vesolje, prihodnost, eksistencializem, diplomska naloga
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:ALUO - Academy of Fine Arts and Design
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-103385 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:16.09.2018
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Title:Lubinna, my trip to Mars, short animated film
In the thesis, I described the making process for the animated film Lubinna, My Trip to Mars. The basic idea of this film stems from my observation of a modern society, which I do not see as a distopic, but as a realistic vision of the future. In the first part I was dealing with the definition and the history of animated films, and also with the emergence of the contemporary animation. I have also watched a lot of movies that inspired me for many scenes and events in the movie. Based on the acquired informations, storyboard and animatic, I began to describe the creative process, the techniques, the special effects that I have used, the sound, and other details. While making this film, I experimented a lot with various techniques that could work with the futuristic content of the story. I also described to whom this film is intended and what is the purpose of the film. The end product is a short imaginative animated film, which potential viewers can interpret in their own way, and it is encouraging them to think about the future of our civilization.

Keywords:visual communications, film, animated film, illustration, Mars, space, future, existentialism, BA thesis

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