
Koncepti povezovanja mikrokrmilnikov v ožičena omrežja
ID Janc, Jernej (Author), ID Diaci, Janez (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Diplomsko delo zajema teoretični pregled in eksperimentalno izvedbo dveh konceptov povezovanja mikrokrmilnikov v lokalno omrežje. Oba koncepta izhajata iz omrežnega modela TCP/IP. UDP je vključen kot nezanesljiv protokol na transportni plasti, MQTT pa deluje kot aplikacija na vrhu modela. Zasnovali smo eksperiment, ki nam pokaže odzivnost in zanesljivost obeh rešitev. Merimo čas od pošiljanja sporočila na eni enoti, do časa prejema in prepoznave sporočila pri drugi enoti. Eksperimentalni del je uspešno izveden s pomočjo razpoložljivih odprtokodnih platform in programov. Ugotovili smo, da sta obe rešitvi v postavljenem omrežju zanesljivi, UDP zahteva manj sredstev, je hitrejši in primeren za direktno komunikacijo med končnimi napravami. MQTT ima potencial za shranjevanje in obdelavo podatkov, vendar zahteva večjo zmogljivost in več naprav. Njegova vzpostavitev je preprosta in primerna za večje sisteme.

Keywords:Mikrokrmilniki, UDP, MQTT, Arduino, Raspberry Pi, Medmrežje stvari
Work type:Final paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Publisher:[J. Janc]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-103321 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:16430619 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:16.09.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Concepts of connecting microcontrollers to wired networks
The thesis includes theoretical examination and experimental implementation of two concepts of connecting microcontrollers to the local network. Both concepts come from TCP/ IP network model. UDP is included as an unreliable protocol on the transport layer, and MQTT acts as an application on top of the model. We have designed an experiment to assess the responsiveness and reliability of both solutions. We have measured time interval between sending a message from one IoT device and receiving and recognizing message with another IoT device. The experimental part was successfully implemented with the help of available open source platforms and programs. We found that both solutions in the established network are reliable, UDP requires less resources, it is faster and suitable for direct communication between end devices. MQTT has more potential for storing and processing data, but requires higher capacity and more devices. It is easy to implement and is suitable for larger systems.

Keywords:Microcontrollers, UDP, MQTT, Arduino, Raspberry Pi, Internet of Things (IoT)

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