
SEO optimizacija za majhna spletna mesta: študija primera
ID Ivanovič, Žan (Author), ID Vehovar, Vasja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Internet je zasičen z ogromno količino informacij, saj je v letu 2018 na spletu dostopnih prek 1,6 milijard spletnih mest. Ker je iskanje določene informacije pri takšnem obsegu informacij za posameznika prezahtevna naloga, potrebujemo iskalnike. Gre za posredniške algoritme, ki pri iskanju ustrezne spletne strani oziroma zadetke filtrirajo in prikažejo v obliki, ki so najbolj primerni vneseni poizvedbi. Vendar sam obstoj strani na internetu ne zagotavlja, da bo stran samodejno vidna širši javnosti. Tu igra glavno vlogo SEO (angl. search engine optimization) – optimizacija za iskalnike, ki se ukvarja z načini za izboljšanje položaja spletnih strani v neplačanih (naravnih, organskih) rezultatih iskanja. V tem okviru je cilj diplomskega dela sistematičen pregled postopkov za optimizacijo spletnega mesta, kar v primeru tržne dejavnosti posredno pomeni tudi pridobitev višjega prometa (obiska), večje prepoznavnosti ponudbe, večjega števila potencialnih strank in s tem večjo prodajo izdelkov oziroma storitev. Pri tem se osredotočamo predvsem na optimizacijo majhnih spletnih mest. V diplomskem delu najprej osvetlimo splošna vprašanja SEO, nato pa še specifičnosti v primeru majhnih spletnih mest. V empiričnem delu opisane pristope SEO sistematično uporabimo na konkretnem primeru spletnega mesta starinskasvetila.si, kjer se nakazuje, da so bili nadvse koristni in učinkoviti.

Keywords:optimizacija spletnih strani, SEO, spletni iskalniki
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-103285 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:35873117 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:15.09.2018
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Secondary language

Title:SEO optimization for small websites: a case study
The internet is filled with an enormous amount of information as there are more than 1.6 billion websites available online. Since searching for a particular piece of information is very difficult with such a scope of possibilities, we need search engines to help us navigate. Search engines are intermediate algorithms that filter websites or hits and display them in a manner that best suits any search query. However, just a bare existence of a webpage does not mean that it will be visible to the public by default. This is where SEO or search engine optimization comes into play. It deals with ways of increasing the position of websites in unpaid (natural, organic) search results. Within this framework, the aim of this diploma thesis is a systematic overview of website optimization procedures, which in the case of commercial activity indirectly means a higher turnover or more visitors, better recognition of the offer, a larger number of potential customers and with it more sales of products or services. To achieve this, we mostly focused on the optimization of small websites. In this diploma thesis, we first answer general questions about SEO and then describe the specific characteristics of small websites. For the empirical part of the thesis, we applied the SEO approaches systematically to the website starinskasvetila.si, which proved that they were incredibly beneficial and effective.

Keywords:website optimization, SEO, search engines

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