
Komunikacijske spretnosti študentov Zdravstvene fakultete : diplomsko delo
ID Friedl, Gregor (Author), ID Divjak, Mojca (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Lampe, Tomaž (Comentor)

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MD5: 8A8433FBF5EF3D62A6F5C5611B93CA98

Uvod: Učinkovita komunikacija dviguje kvaliteto nudenja zdravstvenih storitev, cilj katerih so zadovoljni uporabniki storitev in zaposleni. V obseg pridobljenih kompetenc tekom študija sodi tudi ustrezna komunikacija. Če že ni, mora postati ena izmed osnovnih vrednot osebja na delovnem mestu. Študentje Zdravstvene fakultete predstavljamo bodoč svež val, prepotreben kader zdravstva. Uporaba komunikacijskih spretnosti izboljšuje potek kvalitete procesa zdravljenja in zmanjšuje število nastanka morebitnih ovir, ki bi nemoten proces zdravljenja lahko otežile. Zavestno razmišljanje in izobraževanje o veščinah komunikacije pripomoreta k dvigu standardov, kvalitetnejšemu sodelovanju in povezovanju osebja v zdravstveno multidisciplinaranih timih. Namen: Želeli smo ugotoviti ali študentje tretjih letnikov posedujejo več komunikacijskih spretnosti s področja poslušanja, sprejemanja informacij in izražanja, kot prvi letniki. Poleg tega je bil namen ozaveščati o pomembnosti ustrezne komunikacije na delovnem mestu in prispevati k razvoju in nadgradnji komunikacijskih veščin študentov ter izboljšati lastne spretnosti na tovrstnem področju. Metode dela: Uporabljeni sta bili kvantitativna metoda raziskovanja s pomočjo ankete in deskriptivna metoda dela s pregledom domačih in tujih virov. Anketa je bila zaprtega tipa. Sodelujoči so imeli na voljo že podane odgovore, ki so jih ustrezno označili, z označbo pa izključili ostale možnosti. V anketi je sodelovalo 382 oseb, od tega jih je anketo ustrezno in za nadaljnjo analizo primerno izpolnilo 185 oseb. Rezultati: Analiza rešenih vprašalnikov študentov je pokazala dobre rezultate. Prve tri hipoteze smo ovrgli, četrto pa potrdili. Glede na dobljene rezultate in pretvorbo teh preko numerične lestvice sklepamo, da se znanje študentov, s področja osnov spretnosti komunikacije, giba na meji odličnega. Razprava in zaključek: Doseženi rezultati anketirancev so v večini odlični, vendar so ti vseeno mnenja, da čutijo primankljaj na področju znanja o veščinah komunikacije. Temu primerno želijo študentje ustrezno ukrepati in znanje s tovrstnega področja tudi nadgraditi. Pot do napredka jim lahko olajša Zdravstvena fakulteta, za katero večina anketirancev meni, da bi lahko nekaj več pozornosti namenila tudi tovrstnemu izobraževanju. Študentje menijo, da bi bilo najbolje, če bi učenje komunikacijskih spretnosti potekalo preko organiziranega tečaja ali kot del korikuluma, rednega izobraževalnega programa.

Keywords:komunikacija, pacient, odnos, informacije, prepreke
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-103278 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:5487211 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:15.09.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Communication skills of students of the Faculty of health sciences : final thesis
Introduction: Effective communication raises the quality of healthcare treatments that aim to satisfy users of services and employees. In the scope of competences acquired during the course of studies, we also include appropriate communication, which should become the basic value of the personnel at the workplace. Students of the Faculty of Health Sciences present a future fresh wave of much needed medical personnel. The use of such acquired competences influences and improves the quality of the healthcare process. Conscious thinking and education about communication skills contribute to raising standards and improving cooperation and staffing in health multidisciplinary teams. Purpose: The purpose of the final thesis is to investigate, how good are students of the Faculty of health sciences in the basics of communication, to contribute to the development and upgrading of students communication skills and to improve our own knowledge of communication skills in the health field. We are interested in students awareness of the importance of good communication in the workplace and, if it is necessary, to upgrade their current knowledge of cfacultyommunication. Methods of work: We used quantitative method of reserch and a descriptive method of work, with a survey of domestic and foreign used sources. The poll was a closed type. Participants had already provided with the answers, which they correctly marked, and excluded other options with the tag. It involved 382 people, of which 185 persons fulfilled it correctly and appropriate for further analysis. In a more precise selection of the study of the basics of communication, we captured: the ability to provide information, listening and provideing answers. Results: An analysis of the results has shown good results. We reversed first three hypotheses and confirmed the fourth. We can conclude, that the knowledge of students in the field of communication skills verges on excellent, considering obtained and converted results, with the help of numerical scale. Discussion and conclusion: Although the majority of respondents results were excellent, they still feel that there is a lack of knowledge in the field of communication. Therefore they want to take appropriate action and upgrade it. Their path to progress could be facilitated with the help of Faculty of health sciences, which, in the opinion of the respondents, could devote a little more attention to this kind of education. Students believe that it would be best, if learning communication skills is carried out through an organized course, or as part of a regular curriculum.

Keywords:communication, patient, information, channel, barriers

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