
Komunikacija se začne v družini : diplomsko delo
ID Pori, Nežka (Author), ID Vodičar, Janez (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Komunikacija večinoma poteka spontano in nezavedno. Besede imajo moč, zato bi morala naša komunikacija potekati bolj zavestno. Besed in načina komuniciranja se najprej naučimo v družini. Komunikacija odraslih, posebej staršev, ima močan vpliv na razvoj in komunikacijo otroka. Kasneje v mladosti od vrstnikov, medijev in drugih prevzamemo zopet druge vzorce komuniciranja. Zlasti imajo starši težave pri komunikaciji z mladostniki, ker jih pogosto na razumejo. Okolje nas izoblikuje in komunikacija nujno odraža našo osebnost. Bistvenega pomena za dobro komunikacijo je spoštovanje drugega, ki je prvi korak, s katerim lahko razvijemo empatijo. Ko smo sposobni z drugim čutiti in deliti misli, bomo znali tudi izbirati prave besede. Na našo komunikacijo in odnose z drugimi lahko pozitivno vpliva religiozna govorica. Odnos, ki ga imamo z Bogom pogosto zrcali naše vsakdanje življenje. Božja beseda nam je lahko za zgled pozitivne komunikacije.

Keywords:komunikacija, moč besed, družina, komunikacija otroka, mladostnik, spoštovanje, empatija, religiozna govorica.
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:TEOF - Theological Faculty
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[N. Pori]
Number of pages: III, 47 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-103095 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:7966042 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:14.09.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Communication starts in family
Communication runs mostly spontaneously and unconsciously. Because words have power, our communication should run more consciously. Words and communicative skills are first learned in our family. Development and communication of a child, is strongly influenced by adults, especially parents. Later in adolescence we adopt communication patterns by peers, media and other people. Parents find it particularly difficult to communicate with adolescents, therefore they are often misunderstood. Environment formulates us and communication strongly reflects our personality. Respect of another is the first step, by which we can develop empathy. When we are able to feel and share thoughts with others, we will also be able to find the right words. Our communication in relations with others can be positively influenced by religious language. The relationship we have with God often reflects our everyday life. God's word can be an example for positive communication

Keywords:communication, power of words, family, children communication, adolescence, respect, empathy, religious communication.

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