
Staro, starajoče telo - reprezentacije
ID Jerič, Naja (Author), ID Šadl, Zdenka (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Jerič, Nina (Author)

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Staranje, starost in starostniki so besede, ki pri večini ljudi vzbujajo nelagodne občutke, strah, odbojnost. Staranje prinaša številne izzive tako za starostnike same, kot tudi za celotno družbo. Medijske podobe starejših so tiste, ki imajo osrednjo vlogo pri dojemanju staranja in starostnikov v družbi. Problem pa je, da so starostniki, ki nam jih predstavljajo množični mediji, prikazani stereotipno. Namen diplomske naloge je analizirati, kakšen vpliv imajo množični mediji in kako nam prikazujejo starostnike in starajoča se telesa, ter kakšne so razlike med staranjem žensk in staranjem moških. V nalogi sva se osredotočili na teoretični del ter predhodno opravljene raziskave in s tem poskušali odgovoriti na zastavljena raziskovalna vprašanja. Pri pregledu predhodnih raziskav sva ugotovili, da se starostniki v množičnih medijih pojavljajo redko, ko pa se pojavijo, so prikazani v glavnem v negativni luči in na stereotipen način. Opaziti pa je tudi razlike pri prikazovanju starejših moških in žensk. Na ženske se izvaja večji pritisk, zlasti v povezavi z zunanjim zgledom starajočega se telesa, medtem, ko za moške velja, da so z leti privlačnejši.

Keywords:starizem, staranje, starostniki, stereotipi, množični mediji.
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-103055 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:35888477 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:13.09.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Old, aging body - representations
Aging, age, and elderly are words that cause unpleasant feelings, fear, and repulsion for most people. Aging brings many challenges for the elderly themselves, as well as the whole of society. Media images of the elderly play a central role in the perception of aging and the elderly in society. The problem is that the older people represented by the mass media are stereotyped. The purpose of the dissertation is to analyze the influence of mass media, how it represents older people and aging bodies, and the differences between aging women and men. In our work we have focused on the theoretical part and previous research, and we have tried to answer our research questions. When reviewing previous research, we found that older people in the mass media rarely appear but when they do, they are shown mainly in a negative light and in a stereotypical way. There are also differences in the presentation of older men and women with more pressure on the women, especially in connection with the appearance of an aging body, while men are considered to be more attractive over the years.

Keywords:aging, age, elderly people, stereotypes, mass media.

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