
Vpliv faktorja zazidanosti zemljišča na ceno enostanovanjske hiše : magistrsko delo
ID Bačar, Urška (Author), ID Šubic-Kovač, Maruška (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Namen magistrske naloge je bil analizirati, ali in v kolikšni meri velikost prostega (nepozidanega) zemljišča in faktor zazidanosti zemljišča vplivata na ceno enostanovanjske hiše. Faktor zazidanosti zemljišča je bil za te namene opredeljen kot razmerje med stavbiščem (zazidano površino enostanovanjske hiše) in celotnim zemljiščem, ki pripada enostanovanjski hiši. Z raziskavo navedenega vpliva smo želeli pripraviti objektiven vrednostni okvir, ki bi cenilcem omogočal strokovno podlago za prilagajanje primerljivih enostanovanjskih hiš ocenjevani enostanovanjski hiši pri uporabi načina tržnih primerjav. Raziskava je bila omejena na območje Mestne občine Ljubljana, v kateri smo analizirali prodaje enostanovanjskih hiš med leti 2007 in 2017. Analiza je bila izdelana ločeno za samostoječe in vrstne hiše. Izračunani so bili prilagoditveni koeficienti glede na obdobje prodaje, mikrolokacijo v Mestni občini Ljubljana (četrtne skupnosti) in tip vrstne hiše (dvojček, krajna in vmesna vrstna hiša). Za izračun prilagoditvenih koeficientov so bile uporabljene referenčne (primerljive) enostanovanjske hiše. Na podlagi tako prilagojenega vzorca obravnavanih enostanovanjskih hiš je bila izvedena analiza vpliva prostega (nepozidanega) zemljišča in faktorja zazidanosti zemljišča na ceno enostanovanjske hiše. Za samostoječe enostanovanjske hiše je bilo ugotovljeno, da mediana cen na enoto površine narašča do 800 m2 površine prostega zemljišča in pada po 800 m2 površine prostega zemljišča. Vpliv faktorja zazidanosti na ceno na enoto površine je pri samostoječih enostanovanjskih hišah nezanemarljiv, in sicer večji ko je faktor zazidanosti zemljišča, manjša je mediana cen na enoto površine. Enaka analiza je pokazala, da so navedeni vplivi pri vrstnih enostanovanjskih hišah manj izraziti.

Keywords:faktor zazidanosti zemljišča, cena enostanovanjske hiše, Mestna občina Ljubljana, prilagoditveni koeficienti, statistična analiza
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Publisher:[U. Bačar]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-103030 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:8553313 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:13.09.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Impact of the building plot factor on the single-family house price : master thesis
The purpose of the master's thesis was to analyze whether and to what extent, the building plot factor and the size of the free (not built) land affected the price of a single-family house. The building plot factor was, for purposes of this thesis, defined as the ratio between the building part of the site and the total land belonging to a house. The main purpose was to define an objective value frame that would help the real estate appraiser to compare two single-family houses depending on their building plot factor. We analyzed sales with single-family houses in the Municipality of Ljubljana in between years 2007-2017. The analysis was made separately for free-standing and terraced houses. Adjustment coefficients were calculated according to the period of sale, the micro-location in Municipality of Ljubljana (quartered communities) and the type of terraced house (twin, end or intermediate terraced house). Calculation of adjustment coefficients was made upon reference (comparable) houses, selected using the restrictive conditions. On the basis of adjusted sample, analysis of the impact of the building plot factor and the size of the free (not built) land on the price of a single-family house was carried out. For free-standing single-family houses, we found that the median of the price per square meter was increasing up to 800 m2 of free (not built) land and was decreasing after exceeding 800 m2. The building plot factor relevantly impacted the price of a square meter in the case of free-standing single-family houses, the higher the building plot factor, the smaller the median of prices per square meter. The same analysis showed that the building plot factor impacted the price of terraced single-family houses to a smaller extent.

Keywords:building plot factor, single-family house price, Municipality of Ljubljana, adjustment coefficients, statistical analysis

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