In my graduation thesis, I begin by focusing on the interpretation of the concept of personnel function, its formation and development through history. I continue to define the concept of company, the size of companies and the comparison of large and small companies. In the following is the definition of the concept of a small company and the role of its HR function in it. In this section, I try to show the importance of employees and why the HR function is needed and/or if it is present in small companies at all. At the end of the theoretical work, I try to demonstrate whether there is a difference between small companies by region, in terms of practicing the HR function and trying to find the reasons in theory. In the empirical part, I surveyed companies in the osrednjeslovenska and pomurska regions, in order to obtain precise data regarding the (non)presence of HRM in small Slovenian companies. The survey showed that the HR function is present in small companies in Slovenia, but mostly in the osrednjeslovenska region compared to the pomurje region. Small companies in osrednjeslovenska region are also more aware of the tasks of the HR function, they employ more appropriately skilled workers, which consequently means greater satisfaction with the employees and their work. Due to dissatisfaction with employees, the survey in small companies in the pomurska region showed, that annual fluctuations (departures) are higher, and the main reasons are: employment abroad and higher wages.