
Prenos znanja na mlajšo generacijo v družinskem podjetju
ID Kukman, Nuša (Avtor), ID Ignjatović, Miroljub (Mentor) Več o mentorju... Povezava se odpre v novem oknu

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Družinska podjetja predstavljajo gonilno silo tako v slovenskem kot svetovnem gospodarstvu. So oblika podjetij, kjer se prepletata nasprotujoča si sistema družinskih in poslovnih vrednot, ki jih mora družina znati uspešno usklajevati in uravnotežiti. Njihova glavna značilnost je vključevanje družine v delovanje podjetja. Za obstoj družinskega podjetja mora ustanovitelj že v času svojega poslovanja izbrati naslednika, ki ga mora priučiti in uvesti v poslovanje. Ključni dejavnik pri tem je dolgoročni proces socializacije otrok v podjetje. V procesu socializacije v podjetje gre za zaporeden proces specializiranih znanj in izkušenj, ki jih otroci pridobijo od staršev z neposrednim opazovanjem, posnemanjem, vajo in eksperimentiranjem že od otroštva dalje, saj imajo stike s podjetjem že od mladosti. Znanje je ključni vir konkurenčnosti in uspešnosti podjetja, zato sta za dober prenos znanja s staršev na otroke bistvena fizična bližina s podjetjem in težnja k uspehu podjetja. V diplomskem delu smo ugotovitve iz literature v prvem, teoretičnem delu naloge preverili na primeru družinskega podjetja v empiričnem delu. Osredotočili smo se predvsem na proces prenosa znanja z očeta – ustanovitelja na sina – sedanjega lastnika in prevzemnika družinskega podjetja, ki je v delovanje podjetja na različne načine vključen že od otroštva.

Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Ključne besede:družina, družinsko podjetje, znanje, prenos znanja
Vrsta gradiva:Diplomsko delo/naloga
Organizacija:FDV - Fakulteta za družbene vede
Leto izida:2018
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-102996 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
COBISS.SI-ID:35800925 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
Datum objave v RUL:13.09.2018
Število ogledov:1336
Število prenosov:204
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
Naslov:The transfer of knowledge to the younger generation in the family business
Family businesses represent the driving force in Slovenian and in the global economy. They are a form of companies where the opposing systems of family and business values are intertwined. The family has to know how to harmonize and balance both sets of values successfully. Their main characteristic is including the family in the operations of the company. In order for the family business to survive, the founder has to choose his or her successor at the time of him or her conducting business already. He or she has to train and introduce the successor in the business. The essential factor here is the long-term process of socialization of children in the company. The process of socialization in the company is a consecutive process of specialized knowledge and experiences which the children gain from their parents by an intermediate observation, imitation, exercise, and experimenting from their childhood on, for they have contacts with the company since their youth. The knowledge in the company is the essential source of competition and successfulness of the company. Therefore, physical proximity to the company and aspiration towards the success of the company is essential for the good transfer of knowledge from the parents to the children. In my bachelor’s thesis, I verified the ascertainments from the literature from the first, theoretical part of the thesis on the case of the family business in the empirical part. I focused mostly on the process of the transfer of the knowledge from the father – the founder and the present owner to the son – the heir of the family business who has been included in the operations of the company in various ways since the childhood.

Ključne besede:family, family business, knowledge, transfer of knowledge

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