
Merilne metode merjenja rotorskega paketa in uporaba Keyence merilnega sistema
ID BENEDIČIČ, ANDREJ (Author), ID Klančar, Gregor (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V prvem delu diplomske naloge je opisanih več načinov merilnih metod merjenja notranje luknje rotorskega paketa. Deljene so na brezkontakntne in kontaktne metode. Pri brezkontaktnih metodah je naštetih nekaj glavnih lastnosti merilnika Micro – Epsilon boreCONTROL in MBvision Rotor optical system vision ter njuno delovanje v avtomatiziranem sistemu. Pri kontaktnih metodah merjenja so opisana delovanja merilnikov DIATEST BMD, Mitutoyo SERIES 568 in TESA-Hite 400. Naštete so njihove pomembnejše lastnosti ter njihovo delovanje v avtomatiziranem sistemu, če je ta mogoč. V drugem delu diplomske naloge je podrobno opisano delovanje sistema s presvetlitveno kamero Keyence TM-040 in njen krmilnik TM-3001P. Najprej je predstavljena kamera, katera nam s presvetlitvijo vrne dvodimenzionalno sliko predmeta. Nato so našteti vsi vhodi in izhodi krmilnika ter na kratko opisane njihove namembnosti. Natančno je opisano, kako se nastavi program TM-Navigator in predstavljene so vse meritve, katere lahko uporabljamo. Naštete so osnovne lastnosti krmilnika Siemens 1212C in podano je, na katere načine lahko komunicira s krmilnikom Keyence TM-3001P. Za konec je opisano delovanje sistema kot celota in eden od načinov proženja zajemanja slike s programom TIA Portal.

Keywords:Brezkontaktne in kontaktne metode merjenja, Keyence TM-040, Keyence TM-3001P, Siemens 1212C, TM-Navigator, TIA Portal
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-102980 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:12.09.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Measuring methods for measuring the rotor package and usage of Keyence measuring system
In the first part of the thesis a few measuring methods are described of how to measure the inside diameter of a rotor stack. They are divided in contactless and contact measuring methods. At contactless methods some of the main features of Micro – Epsilon boreCONTROL and MBvision Rotor optical system vision and their operations in an automated system are listed. At contact measuring method operations of DIATEST BMD, Mitutoyo SERIES 568 and TESA-Hite 400 are described. Their main features are listed and the possibility of their operation in the automated system is listed too. In the second part of the thesis the operation of the system with lighting camera Keyence TM-040 and its controller TM-3001P are described in detail. At first a camera which gives us a two-dimensional image of a measuring object is introduced. Secondly all the inputs and outputs of the controller are listed and their purpose is briefly described. It is thoroughly explained how to set the settings of TM-Navigator program and there are presented all the measurements for which we can use the program for. Then some of the basic features of controller Siemens 1212C are listed and the ways in which the communication with the controller Keyence TM-3001P is possible are introduced. Lastly the system operation is described as a whole and it is explained how to capture an image with the TIA Portal program.

Keywords:Contactless and contact measuring methods, Keyence TM-040, Keyence TM-3001P, Siemens 1212C, TM-Navigator, TIA Portal

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