
Samostojni PV predstavitveni sistem z dvoosnim sledilnikom sonca
ID SLUGA, ROK (Author), ID Lipovšek, Benjamin (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V diplomskem delu je predstavljen razvoj in izdelava samostojnega sistema, namenjenega predstavitvi delovanja sončnih celic in fotonapetostnih modulov. Sistem vsebuje dvoosni sledilnik sonca, ki je enostaven za uporabo in ima možnost nastavljanja občutljivosti senzorjev, baterijo, ki služi kot vir napajanja, ter merilno vezje, ki preko mikrokrmilnika na LCD zaslonu izpisuje tok polnjenja ter napetost baterije. V teoretičnem delu so predstavljene sončne celice, sledilniki sonca ter ostali ključni elementi sistema. V naslednjem delu je predstavljena izdelava posameznih sklopov, razdeljena na strojno in programsko opremo. V strojnem delu je opisana izdelava vzorčnih fotonapetostnih modulov ter konstrukcije sledilnika, vključno z načrtovanjem senzorskega dela in krmiljenja koračnih motorjev. V programskem delu pa je opisan algoritem sledenja in razložena programska koda.

Keywords:sončne celice, fotonapetostni moduli, sledilnik sonca, koračni motor
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-102977 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:12.09.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Standalone PV demonstration system with a dual axis solar tracker
The diploma thesis presents the development and production of an independent system designed to demonstrate the operation of solar cells and photovoltaic modules. The system contains a dual-axis solar tracker that is easy to use and has the ability to adjust the sensitivity of sensors, a battery that serves as a power source, and a measuring circuit that displays the charging current and the battery voltage via the microcontroller on the LCD screen. In the theoretical part, solar cells, solar trackers and other key elements of the system are presented. Next section presents the production of individual sets, divided into hardware and software. Hardware part describes the production of sample photovoltaic modules and the tracker design, including the design of the sensor module and the control of the stepper motors. Software part describes the tracking algorithm and the source code.

Keywords:solar cells, photovoltaic modules, solar tracker, stepper motor

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