
Energetska učinkovitost LED svetil
ID MUGERLI, DOMINIK (Author), ID Pušnik, Igor (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Pričujoče diplomsko delo obravnava tematiko energetske učinkovitosti LED diod in iz njih izdelanih LED svetil. V teoretičnem delu se sprva osredotoči na kratek zgodovinski pregled razvoja svetil, med katerimi natančneje pojasni, kako so se skozi zgodovino razvijale in oblikovale LED diode in svetila. V nadaljevanju opiše različne vrste svetil in opredeli, kako se LED svetila od njih razlikujejo, ter kako te razlike vplivajo na njihovo večjo energetsko učinkovitost. LED svetila omogočajo rabo električne energije, ki je racionalnejša od rabe drugih vrst svetil, kot so recimo klasične žarnice z žarilno nitko. Prav tako je v primerjavi z LED svetili njihova življenjska doba krajša. Diplomsko delo predstavi prednosti LED svetil, a pri tem opozori tudi na nekatere njihove slabosti, ki se kažejo predvsem v ceni in njihovi temperaturni občutljivosti. V zadnjem sklopu se loti vprašanja učinkovitosti LED svetil s poudarkom na njihovem električnem izkoristku, svetlobnem onesnaževanju in recikliranju LED svetil. Na koncu je predstavljena primerjalna analiza stroškov, ki je bila hipotetično narejena za štiričlansko gospodinjstvo.

Keywords:svetila, LED diode, energetska učinkovitost
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-102969 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:12.09.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Energy efficiency of LED lamps
This thesis deals with the topic of energy efficiency of LED diode and light-emitting lights that are made of them. In the theoretical part, we focus primarily on a brief historical overview of the development of lights, among which we explain more precisely how LED diodes and lights have evolved and shaped over time. Following we describe different types of lamps and define how LED lamps differ from them, and how these differences affect their higher energy efficiency. LED lamps allow the consumption of electricity, which is more rational than the use of other types of lamps, such as, e.g., classical filament lamps that consume more electricity and emit less light. Similarly, compared to LEDs, their life span is shorter. The diploma points out some advantages of the LED lamps, and points to some of their weaknesses, which are mainly reflected in price and their temperature sensitivity. In the last section, we address questions about the effectiveness of LED lamps, focusing on their energy efficiency, the light pollution and the recycling of LEDs. At the end we present the findings of comparison analysis of costs which was hypothetically made for four-member household.

Keywords:lights, LED, energy efficiency

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