
Embalaža za bombone, ki se jo lahko spremeni v avtomobil
ID Dolinar, Matej (Author), ID Gregor Svetec, Diana (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V sklopu diplomskega dela je bila izdelana inovativna embalaža, ki se lahko ponovno uporabi za drug namen in ima tako možnost daljše življenjske dobe. Teoretični del diplomskega dela vsebuje opis embalaže, njenih funkcij in materialov. Predstavljeni so kartonska embalaža in kartoni, ki so bili uporabljeni v eksperimentalnem delu diplomskega dela. Opisan je tudi eden od načinov podaljšanja življenjske dobe embalaže ter njegove koristi in nekaj primerov že ustvarjenih embalaž z možnostjo ponovne uporabe. V eksperimentalnem delu je podan pregled preizkušanja lastnosti štirih kartonov, ki so bili izbrani kot možni embalažni material za izdelavo embalaže. Določene so bile nekatere izmed osnovnih, površinskih in mehanskih lastnosti. Rezultati meritev so podani v preglednicah s povprečno vrednostjo, standardnim odstopanjem in variacijskim koeficientom. Sledi komentar rezultatov meritev in posledičen izbor najustreznejšega materiala. Nato je opisan razvoj oblikovanja končne embalaže skupaj z njeno podobo, prav tako pa sama izdelava končnega izdelka. Cilj diplomskega dela je bil razvoj in izdelava preproste inovativne embalaže z dodano uporabno lastnostjo, ki bi kupcu pritegnila pozornost. Glavni cilj je bil odkriti način, kako podaljšati življenjsko dobo embalaže, z majhnimi, a preprostimi spremembami ene od obstoječih embalažnih predlog, tako da embalaža ne bi bila zahtevna za izdelavo in bi posledično ustvarila manj proizvodnih stroškov.

Keywords:embalaža, karton, življenjska doba, ponovna raba
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-102919 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:12.09.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Packaging for candy which can be transformed into a car
Within the scope of the graduation thesis, an innovative packaging, which can be reused for different purposes, and thus has a longer life span, has been created. The theoretical part of the thesis covers description of the packaging, its functions, and materials. Cardboard packaging and materials used for the experimental part of the thesis are described. This is followed by description of one of the ways of expanding a life span of packaging and its benefits as well as some of the existing packaging, which have a possibility of reuse. The experimental part covers an overview of testing properties of four selected potential packaging materials. Testing was carried out to determine some of the basic, surface, and mechanical properties of the selected materials. Results of the measurements are shown in spreadsheets with their average value, standard deviation, and coefficient of variation values in the results and discussion section of the thesis. This is followed by the commentary on testing results and consequential selection of the most appropriate material. After that, the development of the final packaging and its graphic design are described. Production of the final product is also described. The goal of the thesis was to develop and produce a simple and innovative packaging with added useful characteristic, which would attract buyers. The main goal was to find a way of expanding a life span of packaging with making small yet simple changes to one of the existing packaging templates so that production costs would not increase.

Keywords:packaging, cardboard, life span, reuse

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