
Direktiva o pravici do obveščenosti v kazenskem postopku in njena implementacija v slovensko kazensko pravno zakonodajo
ID Pejič, Matej (Author), ID Šugman Stubbs, Katja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Direktiva 2012/13/EU določa, da morajo biti državljani EU, osumljeni ali obdolženi kaznivega dejanja v državi Evropske unije, takoj obveščeni o svojih procesnih pravicah in obdolžitvah proti njim. Njen namen je doseči izvajanje načela vzajemnega priznavanja odločb v kazenskih zadevah, za kar je potrebno vzpostaviti skupne minimalne standarde, ki bi omogočili krepitev zaupanja držav članic v kazenskopravne sisteme drugih držav članic. Direktiva vzpostavlja te standarde s ciljem zagotoviti, da lahko osumljene ali obdolžene osebe v kazenskem postopku učinkovito uresničujejo svoje pravice, predvsem pravico do poštenega sojenja, tako kot je navedena v 6. členu Evropske konvencije o varstvu človekovih pravic in temeljnih svoboščin. Direktiva določa dva pouka, in sicer obvestilo o pravicah, ko pristojni organ seznani osebe, da so osumljene ali obdolžene kaznivega dejanja, in obvestilo o pravicah ob prijetju in pridržanju. Direktiva je bila v slovensko zakonodajo prenesena z novelo ZKP-M. Novela je le dopolnila našo ureditev, večjih sistemskih sprememb pa ni prinesla. Pouk o pravicah v RS ureja Ustava, ki določa, kakšen pouk mora prejeti oseba, ki ji je bila odvzeta prostost. ZKP ta pouk povzema, dodaja pa še pouk o pravicah pred prvim razgovorom na policiji. Osumljena oseba mora biti v materinem jeziku ali jeziku, ki ga razume, takoj poučena o tem, katerega kaznivega dejanja je osumljena, na kakšni podlagi, da ima pravico do molka in do zagovornika, ter da se bo lahko vse, kar bo izpovedala, na sojenju uporabilo zoper njo. Ob prijetju in pridržanju pa mora biti poleg tega obveščena še o razlogih za odvzem prostosti in da je pristojni organ na njeno zahtevo dolžan o odvzemu prostosti obvestiti njene najbližje.

Keywords:Direktiva 2012/13/EU, Miranda, pouk o pravicah, pravica do poštenega sojenja, pravica do obrambe, privilegij zoper samoobtožbo, učinkovitost pouka, procesne pravice.
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-102915 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:16394065 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:12.09.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Directive on the right to information in criminal proceedings and its implementation in Slovenian criminal law
The Directive 2012/13/EU provides EU citizens, who are suspected or accused of committing a crime, with the right to be informed of their procedural rights and accusations against them. The purpose of the Directive is to implement the principle of mutual recognition of decisions in criminal matters between the Member States. In order to do that, common minimum standards, that would allow for the strengthening of the confidence in the criminal justice systems of other Member States, need to be established. The goal is to ensure that suspected or accused persons can effectively exercise their rights in criminal proceedings, in particular the right to a fair trial, as set out in Article 6 of the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights. The Directive provides two notifications of rights, first to all suspects and accused persons and second to the arrested persons. The Directive was implemented to Slovenian legislation by the amendment M to the Procedural Code. It only complemented our regulation and did not bring any major system changes. The notification of rights in the RS is governed by the Constitution, which provides the notification to a person, who was deprived of liberty. The Procedural Code summarizes it, and adds notification of rights before the first police interview. The suspect must be immediately informed, in his mother language, or in a language he understands, about: accusations against him, the grounds for the accusations, that he has the right to remain silent and the right to an attorney, and that anything that he says can and will be used against him in a court of law. Arrested persons must get the same notification and be additionaly informed of the reasons for deprivation of liberty and that the competent authority is obliged to notify its closest to the deprivation of liberty, if they request it.

Keywords:Directive 2012/13/EU, Miranda, notification of rights, right to a fair trial, right to counsel, privilege against self-incrimination, effective notification, procedural rights.

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