
Vloge in kompetence vodij ter značilnosti vodenja v Sloveniji
ID Dretnik, Jure (Author), ID Kohont, Andrej (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V diplomsko nalogo so vključeni sodobni načini vodenja in kompetence, potrebne za učinkovito in celovito vodenje podjetja. Predstavljene so tudi ključne vloge in značilnosti vodenja v slovenskih podjetjih. V sodobnem času predstavlja človeški kapital ključno konkurenčno prednost podjetja, zato je potreben optimalen način upravljanja z njim. Tema odraža aktualno stanje vodenja podjetij, kjer zaradi kompleksnosti in hitrega tempa v poslovnem okolju vodje za svoj uspeh potrebujejo kombinacijo ustreznih kompetenc in lastnosti. Cilj diplomske naloge je seznanitev z delom vodij in predstavitev kompetenc, potrebnih za uspešno delovanje in vodenje organizacije. Skozi teorijo kompetenčnega modela sodobnega vodje bomo spoznali tudi, katere kompetence so ključne za sodobno vodenje. V empiričnem delu bomo na podlagi sekundarne analize podatkov raziskali, kaj motivira vodjo kot posameznika ter kako on kot vodja motivira zaposlene. Proučili bomo tudi povezavo med uspešnostjo, cilji in prispevki posameznika k boljšemu delovanju organizacije.

Keywords:vodenje, vloge in kompetence vodij, sodobni načini vodenja.
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-102902 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:35802461 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:12.09.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Roles and competencies of leaders and management characteristics in Slovenia
The diploma includes modern management methods and competencies that are necessary for efficient management of the company. The key roles and characteristics of management in Slovenian companies are also presented. In modern times, human capital represents a key competitive advantage of the company, therefore an optimal way of managing it is required. The topic reflects the current status of corporate governance, where due to the complexity and rapid pace in the business environment, the leaders need a combination of appropriate competences and qualities for their success. The goal of the thesis is to get acquainted with the work of leaders and present the competencies needed for the successful operation and management of the organization. Through the theory of the competence model of the modern leader, we will also find out which competences are crucial for modern management. In the empirical work, on the basis of a secondary analysis of data, we will explore what motivates the leader as an individual, and how he motivates the employees as the leader. We will also explore the link between the success, the goals and the individual's contribution to the better functioning of the organization.

Keywords:leadership, roles and competencies of leaders, modern leadership.

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