
ID KRISTL, DORIS (Author), ID Ivanko, Štefan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Delo policije je bilo od nekdaj rezervirano kot izključno moški poklic, česar danes več ne moremo trditi. Ženske želijo biti enakopravne skorajda na vseh področjih, prav tako tudi v delu policije, kjer se vse bolj zaposlujejo in karierno uveljavljajo. Ključni namen diplomskega dela je v predstavitvi in zaznavanju morebitnih diskriminatornih znakov in dejavnikov na delovnem mestu med policisti in policistkami. V diplomskem delu se avtorica skoncentrira predvsem na morebitne znake razlik, oziroma neenake obravnave med spoloma, kjer ugotavlja, da velikih odstopanj med spoloma na delovnem mestu med policisti ni. Cilji teoretičnega dela so v predstavitvi policistk, njihovega dela, zaposlovanja in napredovanja. Cilj empiričnega dela je avtorica interpretirala s podanim vprašalnikom med zaposlenimi po različnih policijskih postajah. Avtorica hkrati uporablja različne raziskovalne metode, in sicer: metodo deskripcije, klasifikacije, kompilacije in metode anketiranja. Na podlagi vprašalnika je bilo ugotovljeno, da so znaki diskriminacije prisotni, vendar zgolj kot morebitne opazke, izrečene v šali in ne namerno, v blažji obliki, kateri ni potrebno posvečati večje pozornosti. Rezultati so uporabni in v korist predvsem za obravnavo celotne organizacije, saj je v raziskavi sodelovala večina zaposlenih iz različnih policijskih postaj podravske regije. S preučevanjem dobljenih anketnih rezultatov bosta organizacija Policije oziroma Ministrstvo za notranje zadeve lahko ustrezno vplivala na izboljšanje sodelovanja med policisti in policistkami, čeprav je avtorica mnenja, da so že sedaj na pravi poti timskega sodelovanja ne glede na spol.

Keywords:diskriminacija, policisti in policistke, enakovreden položaj, zaposlovanje, enaka/neenaka obravnava
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FU - Faculty of Administration
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-102885 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:11.09.2018
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The diploma thesis of the police has always been reserved as a profession for men only, which we can no longer claim today. Women want to be almost equal in all areas, as well as in the police, where they are increasingly employing and career-oriented. The main purpose of the diploma thesis is to present and perceive possible discriminatory signs and factors, in the workplace between women police officers and police officers. In diploma thesis the author focuses primarily on the possible signs of differences, or unequal treatment between the sexes, where she finds that there are no major gender differences in the workplace between the police officers. The goals of theoretical work are in the presentation of police officers, their work, employment and promotion. The author interpreted the aim of the empirical work with a given questionnaire among the employees of various police stations. At the same time, the author uses different research methods, namely: the method of description, classification, compilation and survey methods. On the basis of the questionnaire, it was found that the signs of discrimination are present, but only as any observations made in a joke, and not intentionally, in a more mild form, which does not need to devote more attention. The results are useful and helpful for the entire organization under consideration, as the majority of employees from various police stations of the Podravska region participated in the survey. By examining the obtained survey results, the police or the Ministry of the Interior will be able to adequately influence the improvement of cooperation between police officers and police officers, although the author believes that they are already on the right path of team cooperation regardless of gender.

Keywords:discrimination, women police officers and police officers, equal position, employment, equal / unequal treatment

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