
Razvoj izobraževalnih vsebin za otroke z uporabo obogatene resničnosti na pametnih telefonih
ID Florjanič, Maša Manca (Author), ID Muck, Deja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: F00EA3E7FD4EAB08E02979CA7B9D72F0

V magistrskem delu smo raziskovali uporabo obogatene resničnosti (ang. Augmented Reality ali AR) na pametnih telefonih kot potencialno orodje pri izobraževanju otrok z namenom določitve optimalnih tehnoloških ter predmetnih lastnosti vsebine ter primerne AR platforme za izdelavo in predvajanje teh vsebin. Cilji magistrskega dela so bili: (1) določiti otrokom všečne lastnosti mobilnih iger, (2) narediti pregled in primerjavo programske opreme za oblikovanje vsebin obogatene resničnosti, (3) analizirati obnašanje različnih multimedijskih elementov glede na lastnosti predvajanja. V ta namen smo najprej izvedli anketo med 26 učenci 2. razreda o priljubljenosti posameznih igralnih elementov. V drugem delu smo primerjali in analizirali popularne platforme za razvoj in predvajanje obogatene resničnosti. Pri analizi smo upoštevali vrste podprtih vsebin, akcij in enostavnost uporabe AR platforme. Predvajanje različnih mutimedijskih vsebin (slike, video, 3D objekti, 3D animacije) smo ovrednotili glede na kakovost, pri čemer smo spreminjali lastnosti predvajanih elementov (velikost datoteke, št. poligonov 3D modela, uporabljene teksture in materiali) ter zunanje dejavnike (svetloba, vremenske razmere). V zadnjem delu smo z izbrano AR platformo izdelali preprost primer uporabe AR vsebin, namenjene za izobraževanje otrok. Rezultati so potrdili naše hipoteze: H1 – AR igre z ugankami imajo potencial za uporabo v izobraževanju za otroke, H2 – Uporaba AR platform s spletnimi urejevalniki je primerna za razvoj izobraževalnih AR vsebin ter H3 – Kompleksnost 3D objekta vpliva na kakovost predvajanja le-tega v obogateni resničnosti.

Keywords:obogatena resničnost, tehnologija, mobilne aplikacije, izobraževanje, otroci
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-102788 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:08.09.2018
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Title:Developing educational content for children using augmented reality on smart phones
This thesis represents a research on the use of augmented reality (AR) on smart phones as a potential tool to be used in children’s education with the purpose to identify optimal technological characteristics of augmented reality elements and most suitable AR platform to be used to develop and display these elements. The main goals of this paper were: (1) to identify children’s preferred mobile game traits, (2) to review and compare different software used to develop augmented reality content, (3) to analyse the behaviour of various multimedia elements in AR based on their characteristics. For these purposes, a specific questionnaire was conducted among 26 second-grade pupils on likeability of various game elements. In the second part of this paper, we have studied widely spread augmented reality platforms to determine their compatibility with different elements, supported actions and general usability. The quality of displayed multimedia content (2D images, video, 3D models, 3D animations) in AR was evaluated based on the outside conditions (the weather, lightning) and by changing the characteristics of the displayed elements (file size, 3D polygon count, included textures and materials). In the last part we used the selected AR platform to create a simple example of AR content to be used in children's education. The results confirmed H1 – AR puzzle games hold potential for usage in children's education; H2 – AR platforms with online editors are suitable for designing educational content to be used in AR; and H3 – The complexity of 3D objects affects the quality of their display in augmented reality.

Keywords:augmented reality, technology, mobile apps, education, children

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