In this master thesis we described the development of a printed circuit board (PCB) to power a synchronous motor with permanent magnets. The project was defined and built for the needs of the company Kolektor.
Firstly, we presented the synchronous motor with permanent magnets and its equivalent circuit. Then field orientated motor control was discussed, that is implemented as a software on the processor. It was made by colleagues at the department of Electronics in the company Kolektor. Furthermore, we presented the design of the electric circuit, where we described all of its parts. The chosen topology of the circuit is three phase bridge with a processor. Then we focused on the turn-on process of the MOSFET transistor, which is critical to understand in order to calculate the MOSFET power losses and understand MOSFET self turn on phenomena. In the next chapter we presented all contributions to MOSFET power losses of a half bridge configuration. Next, we presented the self turn on phenomena of the MOSFET transistor and possible solutions. And in the last chapter we showed measurements of power losses and we compared them to theoretical losses.