
Analiza možnosti profilnega brušenja tračnih žaginih listov za razrez hlodovine
ID Lavrič, Rok (Author), ID Pušavec, Franci (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Kopač, Janez (Comentor)

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Večina malih žagarskih obratov, ki se ukvarjajo s primarnim razrezom hlodovine s tračnimi žaginimi listi ni samozadostnih, kar se tiče brušenja svojih rezil. To pomeni, da morajo za ustrezno vzdrževanje svojih tračnih žaginih listov obiskovati oddaljene brusilnice, kar pa tovrstne obrate močno finančno in časovno obremenjuje. Diplomsko delo v prvem delu obsega pregled trenutnega stanja na področju izdelave in brušenja tračnih žaginih listov za razrez hlodovine. V nadaljevanju je predstavljena zasnova in izdelava novega brusilnega stroja, primernega za uporabo na malih žagarskih obratih, gledano tako iz cenovnega, kot iz uporabniškega vidika. V osrednjem delu diplomskega dela je predstavljeno tudi oblikovanje in izdelava dveh novih tračnih žaginih listov, ki imata konice zob razprte in toplotno obdelane, za razliko od tračnih listov s stelitiranimi zobmi, ki se dandanes večinoma uporabljajo. V zadnjem delu je predstavljen preizkus obeh tračnih listov na žagarskem obratu, pri čemer je eden izmed njiju brušen na našem novem brusilnem stroju, drugi pa na obstoječem brusilnem stroju VOLLMER Cana E. To nam da vpogled v kvaliteto brušenja z našim novim brusilnim strojem, ter odgovor o smotrnosti uporabe naših tračnih listov. V zadnji del diplomskega dela je vključena tudi stroškovna analiza izdelave našega brusilnega stroja in pregled stroškov izdelave ter vzdrževanja tračnih žaginih listov.

Keywords:brusilni stroj, profilno brušenje, tračni žagin list, mehanizem z odmično ploščo, zasnova naprave, izdelava, preizkus
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Publisher:[R. Lavrič]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-102698 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:16404507 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:07.09.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Analysis of profile grinding of bandsaw blades for cutting of wooden logs
Most small sawmills, engaged in the primary log cutting with bandsaw blades, are not self-sufficient in the field of their blade grinding. This means, that in order to properly maintain their bandsaw blades, they have to visit distant grinders. Consequently that means a huge financial and time burden for these sorts of sawmills. In the first part of these thesis, a review of current situation in the field of production and grinding of bandsaw blades for cutting of wooden logs is made. This is followed by the design and complete production of bandsaw blade grinding machine, suitable for usage on small sawmills, from a price and user point of view. In this part of the thesis, we also present the production of two new bandsaw blades, with opened and heat treated teeth tips, which makes the two of them different from bandsaw blades with Stellite tipped teeth tips, that are mostly used nowadays. This work also includes the experiment of log cutting with both of the mantioned bandsaw blades, where one of the blades is sharpened on our new bandsaw blade grinding machine and the other one on the existing VOLLMER Cana E grinding machine. This gives us an insight into the quality of grinding with our new grinding machine and an answer about suitability of our bandsaw blades for cutting of wooden logs. The final part of our thesis includes a cost analysis of production of our bandsaw blade grinding machine and cost review of production and maintenance of bandsaw blades.

Keywords:grinding machine, profile grinding, bandsaw blade, cam mechanism, device design, production, experiment

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