
Vpliv vodstvenih pristopov na uvajanje sprememb v zdravstvenih organizacijah: primer slovenskih zdravstvenih domov : magistrsko delo
ID Žibert, Alenka (Author), ID Starc, Andrej (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Martinčič, Romana (Comentor)

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Uvod: Vodenje sprememb je danes postala ključna veščina vsake (zdravstvene) organizacije in nujnost njenega preživetja, saj je sprememba postala neizogibna. Stopnja neuspešnosti sprememb je kar do 70 odstotna, prav zato je pomembno poznati vzroke, zakaj spremembe uvajamo, ter načine, s katerimi bomo spremembe uspešno uvedli v vsakdanjo prakso. Upravljanje sprememb zajema premišljeno načrtovanje in implementiranje, uspešnost tega procesa pa je v veliki meri odvisna od pravilnega vodstvenega pristopa, saj stili vodenja neposredno vplivajo na uspešnost uvajanja sprememb, in sicer s preoblikovanjem stališč zaposlenih. Namen: Z magistrskim delom želimo preučiti in na osnovi izvedene raziskave pojasniti vpliv stilov vodenja na uvajanje sprememb ter oceniti zadovoljstvo in učinkovitost stilov vodenja, s ciljem vršnemu managementu zagotoviti informacije, ki jih potrebuje za optimalno in uspešno uvedbo spreminjanja v zdravstvenih organizacijah. Metode dela: Magistrsko delo je zasnovano kot kombinacija teoretičnega in empiričnega dela. Teoretični sklop našega raziskovanja predstavlja poglobljena analiza tuje in domače obstoječe uveljavljene literature, ki smo jo pridobili s pomočjo naslednjih uveljavljenih baz podatkov: COBISS Online, Google Učenjak, Web of Science, ScienceDirect in EBSCOhost. Ob predhodno predstavljenem raziskovalnem problemu smo problem vpliva vodstvenih pristopov na uvajanje sprememb v slovenskih zdravstvenih domovih proučevali z neeksperimentalno kvantitativno metodo empiričnega raziskovanja. Izvedli smo presečno študijo, za zbiranje podatkov smo uporabili anketni vprašalnik, ki smo ga oblikovali skladno z namenom empirične raziskave. Sodelovalo je 112 udeležencev, zaposlenih v štirih slovenskih zdravstvenih domovih. Obdelavo ter prikaz podatkov smo izvedli s programskim orodjem Microsoft Excel in programom za statistično obdelavo SPSS V 24. Rezultati: Vrnjenih smo prejeli 112 izpolnjenih anketnih vprašalnikov. Potrdili smo vseh pet predhodno formiranih hipotez. Dokazali smo, da je transformacijsko vodenje statistično (p < 0,05) pozitivno, povezano z zaznano uspešnostjo uvedenih sprememb v organizaciji. Prav tako se tudi transakcijsko vodenje pozitivno povezuje s samo uspešnostjo sprememb, vendar v manjši meri kot transformacijsko. Kot dodatno smo dokazali, da sta tako transformacijsko kot tudi transakcijsko vodenje z ocenjeno učinkovitostjo stilov vodenja povezana močno pozitivno, laissez-faire vodenje pa srednje močno negativno. Kot zadnje smo dokazali, da je moč povezave z zadovoljstvom zaposlenih največja pri transformacijskem vodenju. Razprava in sklep: Izsledki opravljene raziskave nam prikazujejo, da transformacijsko vodenje nastopa kot vodilni voditeljski slog v procesu uvajanja sprememb v zdravstvenih organizacijah. Rezultati naše raziskave so podobni zaključkom preostalih raziskav tega področja. Na osnovi opravljene kvantitativne raziskave lahko zapišemo, da se transformacijsko vedenje vodij pozitivno povezuje z uspešnostjo uvedene spremembe, višjo učinkovitostjo in višjim zadovoljstvom zaposlenih. V zadnjih desetletjih se je večji poudarek na spremembah izkazal kot ključni gonilnik organizacijskega uspeha. Primeren stil vodenja ima neposreden vpliv na uspešnost sprememb, nenazadnje pa tudi na delovno okolje, v katerem se spremembe uvajajo.

Keywords:management sprememb, organizacijske spremembe, zdravstvo, zdravstvene organizacije, stili vodenja, transformacijsko vodenje, transakcijsko vodenje, zadovoljstvo zaposlenih, MLQ
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-102675 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:5476203 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:06.09.2018
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Secondary language

Title:The impact of leadership styles on implementation of changes in healthcare organizations: an example of Slovenian healthcare centers : masterʹs thesis
Introduction: The management of change has become the key skill of every (health) organization and the necessity of its survival as change has become inevitable. The degree of unsuccessful change is as high as 70 percent, which is why it is important to know the reasons why we are introducing changes and how we can successfully implement changes in everyday practice. Change management involves thoughtful planning and implementation, and the success of this process largely depends on the correct management approach, since management styles have a direct impact on the success of introducing changes, by transforming employee attitudes. Purpose: We want to examine, based on the conducted research, and explain the influence of management styles on the introduction of changes, and to evaluate the satisfaction and effectiveness of leadership styles, with the goal of providing peer management with the information it needs to optimally and successfully introduce changes in health organizations. Methods: The master's thesis is designed as a combination of theoretical and empirical work. The theoretical part of our research represents an in-depth analysis of foreign and domestic existing established literature, which we acquired through the following established databases: COBISS Online, Google Scholar, Web of Science, ScienceDirect and EBSCOhost. Having previously presented the research problem, we examined the problem of the influence of managerial approaches on the introduction of changes in Slovene health centers by using an experimental quantitative method of empirical research. We carried out a cross-sectional study. We used a questionnaire for the collection of data, which we designed in accordance with the purpose of empirical research. 112 participants participated in four Slovenian health centers. The processing and display of data was carried out with the Microsoft Excel software and the SPSS V 24 statistical processing program. Results: We received 112 completed questionnaires. We confirmed all five previously formed hypotheses. We have shown that transformational guidance is statistically (p <0.05) positively related to the perceived performance of the introduced changes in organization. Transactional management is also positively correlated with the success of changes only to a lesser degree than transformational. As additionally, we have shown that both transformational and transactional management, with the estimated effectiveness of management styles, are strongly affiliated, while laissez-faire management is medium-strong negatively. As a last step, we have shown that the strength of the relationship with employee satisfaction is the greatest in transformational leadership. Discussion and conclusion: The results of the research show that transformational leadership is a leading leader in the process of introducing changes in health organizations. The results of our research are similar to the conclusions of the remaining research in this field. Based on the performed quantitative research, it can be noted that the transformational behavior of managers is positively correlated with the performance of the introduced changes, higher efficiency and higher employee satisfaction. In recent decades, the emphasis on change has proven to be a key driver of organizational success. An appropriate management style has a direct impact on the success of the changes, and, last but not least, on the working environment in which changes are introduced.

Keywords:change management, organizational change, health care, health organizations, leadership styles, transformational leadership, transactional leadership, employee satisfaction, MLQ

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