
Meso polžev kot alternativni vir beljakovin
ID Berglez, Nina (Author), ID Demšar, Lea (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Namen diplomskega dela je bil določiti fizikalno-kemijske parametre, t.j. vsebnost vode, beljakovin, maščob, pepela, natrija, ogljikovih hidratov in energijsko vrednost, ter maščobnokislinsko sestavo in vrednost pH mesa polžev dveh vrst Helix aspersa Maxima in Helix aspersa Müller. Ugotovili smo, da meso polžev vsebuje relativno velik delež beljakovin (13,12 g/100 g oz. 16,53 g/100 g), majhen delež maščob (0,89 g/100 g oz. 1,21 g/100 g) in ima majhno energijsko vrednost (339,6 kJ oz. 374,2 kJ). Vrednost pH mesa polžev je zelo visoka (8,59 oz. 8,19). V povprečju ima meso polžev ugodno maščobnokislinsko sestavo, saj od skupnih maščobnih kislin vsebuje 27,08 ut. % nasičenih, 19,00 ut. % enkrat nenasičenih in 53,92 ut. % večkrat nenasičenih maščobnih kislin ter ima ugodno razmerje P/S (2,0), po drugi strani pa neugodno razmerje n-6/n-3 (20,3:1) in velik delež trans maščobnih kislin (3,93 ut. %). V maščobnokislinskem profilu mesa polžev prevladujejo linolna (20,89 ut. %), arahidonska (13,27 ut. %), oleinska (12,67 ut. %), nonadekanojska (10,23 ut. %) in stearinska (10,08 ut. %) maščobna kislina. Namen naše študije je bil ne le pridobiti lastne podatke o omenjenih parametrih mesa polžev, prirejenega v Sloveniji, ampak tudi preveriti kulinarično uporabnost te vrste mesa. V ta namen smo izdelali dve pašteti iz mesa polžev, ki sta bili sprejemljive senzorične kakovosti. Preskuševalci so bistveno slabše ocenili pašteto iz mesa noge in jeter polža Helix aspersa Müller kot pašteto iz mesa (noga brez jeter) polža Helix aspersa Maxima, predvsem zaradi neprijetne arome, v kateri je prevladoval milnat priokus, sladke in pekoče komponente ter zaradi pomanjkanja arome po mesu polžev.

Keywords:polži, meso polžev, polžja farma, prehranska vrednost, energijska vrednost, fizikalno-kemijske lastnosti, beljakovine, maščobnokislinska sestava, senzorične lastnosti
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher:[N. Berglez]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-102655 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:4938360 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:06.09.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Snail meat as an alternative source of protein
The aim of graduation thesis was to determine the physico-chemical parameters, i.e. the content of water, protein, fat, ash, sodium, carbohydrates and energy value, as well as the fatty acid composition and the pH value of the snail meat, originated from two species, Helix aspersa Maxima and Helix aspersa Müller. It was found that the snail meat contains a relatively high content of proteins (13.12 g/100 g vs. 16.53 g/100 g), a low content of fat (0.89 g/100 g vs.1.21 g/100 g) and has low energy value (339.6 kJ vs. 374.2 kJ). pH value of snail meat is very high (8.59 vs. 8.19). On average, the snail meat has a favourable fatty acid composition as it contains 27.08 wt. % of saturated, 19.00 wt. % of monounsaturated, and 53.92 wt. % of polyunsaturated fatty acids from the total fatty acids. It has favourable P/S ratio (1.99), but an unfavourable ratio of n-6/n-3 (20.3:1) and a large proportion of trans fatty acids (3.93 wt. %). Linoleic (20.89 wt. %), arachidonic (13.27 wt. %,) oleic (12.67 wt. %), nonadecanoic (10.23 wt. %) and stearic acid (10.08 wt. %) are fatty acids that prevail in the fatty acid profile of snail meat. The purpose of our study was not only to obtain our own data on the aforementioned parameters of snail meat in Slovenia, but also to check the culinary value of snail meat. For this purpose, we have produced two snail meat pâtés of acceptable sensory quality. The panel assessed sensory quality of pâté made of the meat (leg and liver) from snail Helix aspersa Müller significantly lower as a pâté made of meat from snail Helix aspersa Maxima, mainly due to the unpleasant aroma in which the soapy, sweet and spicy components predominated, as well as the lack of snail meat aroma.

Keywords:snails, snail meat, snail farm, nutritional value, energy value, physico-chemical properties, protein, fatty acid composition, sensory properties

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