
3D skeniranje in reprodukcija plastičnih avtomobilskih delov
ID Rozman, Mohor (Author), ID Muck, Deja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Diplomsko delo obravnava možnost reproduciranja obstoječih plastičnih avtomobilskih delov s pomočjo tridimenzionalnega (3D) optičnega čitalca in 3D tiska. Najprej so predstavljeni trije plastični avtomobilski deli, ki so bili uporabljeni v namen diplomskega dela. Vsi deli so bili vzeti iz notranjosti avtomobilov Volkswagen 1300 (Volkswagen AG; Nemčija), letnik 1967 in Volkswagen 1200J (Volkswagen AG; Nemčija), letnik 1975. Pri avtomobilih take starosti (starodobniki) se pogosto pojavi težava pri iskanju pristnih nadomestnih delov. Glavni poudarek je bil na tem, da se preveri izvedljivost postopka natančne reprodukcije avtomobilskih delov in hkrati določi najprimernejši način reprodukcije za posamezni avtomobilski del. V ta namen so bili izbrani avtomobilski deli z raznolikimi oblikami in fizikalnimi lastnostmi. Glavni cilj diplomskega dela je bil določiti primerne postopke za izdelavo reprodukcij izvornih plastičnih avtomobilskih delov, ki se nato lahko po potrebi uporabijo kot nadomestni deli. Pri tem so bile upoštevane oblika delov, mehanske lastnosti ter tudi splošna natančnost reprodukcije. Na koncu se je določila najhitrejša in najbolj optimalna pot delokroga od 3D skeniranja do 3D tiska. V diplomskem delu so se pokazali naslednji rezultati: 3D skenirane dele se lahko neposredno 3D tiska samo, če je skenirani del skoraj brez ali popolnoma brez vdolbin. V večini primerov pa je dele po 3D skeniranju treba dodatno obdelati v programu za 3D modeliranje, kot je Blender (Blender Foundation; Nizozemska). Za dele s trdo plastiko se je izkazal primeren material polimlečna kislina (krajše PLA) (Ultimaker; Nizozemska), ki je izdelan iz obnovljivih virov in je lahek za uporabo s številnimi različnimi vrstami 3D tiska. Za delno prožne oziroma fleksibilne dele pa je primernejši material termoplastični poliuretan 95A (krajše TPU 95A) (Ultimaker; Nizozemska), ki nudi lastnosti gume in plastike. Na koncu je bil izveden tudi časovni test 3D tiska, z uporabo različnih podpornih materialov in debelin plasti. Ugotovljeno je bilo, da je razlika v predvidenem času tiska največjega dela (okvirne dimenzije: 2 x 3 x 8 cm) med najkrajšo in najdaljšo možnostjo, skoraj desetkratna (1 ura 31 minut/10 ur 14 minut).

Keywords:3D, avtomobilski deli, Blender, plastika, skeniranje, tisk
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-102651 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:06.09.2018
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Secondary language

Title:3D scanning and reproduction of plastic car parts
The thesis discusses the ability to reproduce the existing plastic car parts using a three-dimensional (3D) scanner and 3D printing. Firstly, the three plastic car parts are presented, which were used for the needs of the bachelor’s thesis. All the parts were taken from the interior of a Volkswagen 1300 (Volkswagen AG; Germany), the year 1967 and a Volkswagen 1200J (Volkswagen AG; Germany), the year 1975. With the cars of this age (oldtimers), a problem of genuine replacement parts usually appears. The main focus was to check the feasibility of a process that enables precise reproduction of car parts and to determine the most suitable way of reproduction for each part. For that reason, car parts with different shapes and physical properties were chosen. The main goal of the diploma thesis was to determine the most appropriate procedures for the reproduction of the original plastic car parts, which can be used later as replacement parts if needed. Here, the shape of the parts, mechanical properties and also general accuracy were taken into account. Lastly, the fastest and the most optimal way from 3D scanning to 3D print was determined. The thesis has shown the following results: 3D scanned parts can be 3D printed directly if the part is almost or completely without dents. However, in most cases, the parts must be additionally processed after 3D scanning in a program for 3D modeling, such as the Blender (Blender Foundation; Netherlands). For the parts with hard plastic, the polylactic acid (PLA; Ultimaker; Netherlands) turned out as the appropriate. PLA was made from renewable sources and it is easy to use with many different types of 3D print. For partially elastic or flexible parts, thermoplastic polyurethane 95A (TPU 95A; Ultimaker; Netherlands) is a more suitable material. It has the qualities of both rubber and plastic. In the end, a timing test for 3D print using different support materials and the layer thickness was conducted. It was established that for printing the largest part (approximate dimensions: 2 x 3 x 8 cm) the difference between the shortest and the longest option was almost ten-fold. (1 hour 31 minutes / 10 hours 14 minutes).

Keywords:3D, car parts, Blender, plastic, scanning, print

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