
Hranilna vrednost in všečnost izbranih brezglutenskih živil
ID Lesjak, Monika (Author), ID Bertoncelj, Jasna (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Celiakija je genetsko pogojena kronično vnetna črevesna bolezen, edino učinkovito zdravljenje je stroga dieta brez glutena. Na trgu je velika ponudba brezglutenskih živil. V okviru diplomskega dela smo izbrali nekaj brezglutenskih in primerljivih običajnih živil iz skupine pekovskih in finih pekovskih izdelkov ter jih med seboj primerjali glede ustreznega označevanja, sestavin in hranilne vrednosti. Vsa obravnavana brezglutenska živila so glede na analizo označb ustrezno označena. V primerjavi z običajnimi živili vsebujejo več aditivov in drugačne sestavine kot primerljiva običajna živila. Hranilna vrednost brezglutenskih in primerljivih običajnih živil se razlikuje. Večina brezglutenskih živil vsebuje manj pomembnih hranil, predvsem beljakovin in več nasičenih maščob ter soli. Z uporabo Traffic Light modela smo ovrednotili prehransko ustreznost obravnavanih živil. Večina živil, z izjemo kruha, spada med prehransko manj ustrezna živila. Metoda anketnega vprašalnika je pokazala, da so dejstva o celiakiji in glutenu izbrani skupini študentov dokaj dobro poznana. Panel študentov je analiziral všečnost izbranih živil z 9-točkovno hedonsko lestvico, brezglutenska živila so bila manj všečna kot primerljiva običajna živila. Študenti so pri senzoričnem ocenjevanju navedli tudi pozitivne in negativne senzorične lastnosti obravnavanih živil, več negativnih lastnosti so opisali pri brezglutenskih živilih. Brezglutenska živila vsebujejo več aditivov in so slabše senzorično sprejemljiva kot primerljiva običajna živila, zato ni potrebe po uživanju živil z oznako »brez glutena« pri zdravih posameznikih, saj je stroga dieta brez glutena primerna le za bolnike s celiakijo.

Keywords:celiakija, gluten, brezglutenska živila, pekovski izdelki, fini pekovski izdelki, označbe živil, hranilna vrednost, prehranski semafor, senzorična analiza, všečnost, 9-točkovna hedonska lestvica
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher:[M. Lesjak]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-102650 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:4939384 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:06.09.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Nutritional value and likeness of selected gluten-free foods
Coeliac disease is a genetically determined chronic inflammatory bowel disease. The only effective treatment is a strict gluten-free diet. There is an extensive supply of gluten-free foods on the market. We selected some gluten-free and comparable regular foods from the group of bakery and fine bakery products and evaluated them with regard to the proper labelling, ingredients and nutritional value. All gluten-free foods were properly labelled and contain more additives and other ingredients compared to regular foods. There are differences in nutritional value between gluten-free and comparable regular foods. Gluten-free foods are lower in important nutrients, like proteins, but relatively higher in saturated fat and salt compared to regular foods. With Traffic Light model the nutritional suitability of foods was evaluated. Most of selected foods belong to "unhealthy foods", except gluten-free bread and comparable regular bread. The results of questionnaire showed that the facts about coeliac disease and gluten are quite well known among the students. The sensory panel of students evaluated the likeness of selected foods with a 9-point hedonic scale and liked gluten-free foods less. Students also indicated the positive and negative sensory properties of the foods. In the case of gluten-free foods more negative properties have been identified. Gluten-free foods contain more additives and are less sensory acceptable than comparable regular foods, so there is no need to consume foods labeled "gluten-free" in healthy individuals. A strict gluten-free diet is suitable only for patients with coeliac disease.

Keywords:coeliac disease, gluten, gluten-free foods, bakery products, fine bakery products, food labelling, nutritional value, Traffic Light model, sensory analysis, likeness, 9-point hedonic scale

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