
Vpliv parametrov in-situ sinteze ZnO na bombažu za doseganje UV zaščite
ID Verbič, Anja (Author), ID Gorjanc, Marija (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Cinkov oksid (ZnO) je anorganska spojina, ki poleg fotokatalitičnosti, polprevodnosti in protimikrobnosti nudi odlično zaščito pred ultravijoličnim (UV) sevanjem. Tekstilije, ki nudijo UV zaščito imajo izreden pomen pri preprečevanju poškodb, ki nastanejo zaradi izpostavljenosti UV sevanju. Namen raziskave magistrskega dela je bil proučiti pogoje in-situ sinteze nanodelcev cinkovega oksida (ZnO-ND) na bombažni tkanini in doseči visok ultravijolični zaščitni faktor (UZF) funkcionalizirane tkanine. V prvem delu raziskave je bil proučevan vpliv vrste reducenta (Na2CO3, KOH, NaOH) in njegove molarne koncentracije (0,1M in 1M) na oblikovanje nanodelcev in vrednost UZF bombažne tkanine. V drugem delu raziskave so bili proučevani še drugi dejavniki, kot so čas obdelave tkanine v prekurzorju (ZnCl2), čas sinteze (čas obdelave po dodatku reducenta) in čas sušenja po in-situ sintezi. Visoke vrednosti UZF (50+), ki so bile določene na UV/Vis spektrofotometru, so bile dosežene pri in-situ sintezi ZnO-ND z uporabo NaOH in KOH v molarni koncentraciji 1M. Višje vrednosti UZF so bile dosežene z uporabo NaOH kot KOH. Z masno-spektrometrično analizo induktivno sklopljene plazme (ICP-MS) je bilo potrjeno, da je vsebnost cinka na tkanini, kjer je bil za in-situ sintezo uporabljen NaOH, višja kot pri uporabi KOH. Iz posnetkov vrstične elektronske mikroskopije (SEM) je bilo razvidno, da so bili pri in-situ sintezi oblikovani ZnO-ND okrogle oblike, ki so povsem oplaščili vlakna. Ugotovljeno je bilo, da ima na tvorbo ZnO-ND in visoke vrednosti UZF tkanine izreden vpliv daljši čas sinteze, ne pa tudi daljši čas obdelave tkanine v prekurzorju. Čas sušenja po in-situ sintezi ni bistveno vplival na vrednosti UZF tkanine, je pa vplival na obliko nanodelcev, ki so se oblikovali na površini bombažnih vlaken. Z daljšim časom sušenja so se oblikovali nanodelci bolj pravilnih okroglih oblik. Funkcionalizirane tkanine niso imele dobrih obstojnosti na pranje, saj se je že po prvem pranju večina nanodelcev odstranila.

Keywords:in-situ sinteza, nanodelci, cinkov oksid, UV sevanje, bombaž, zaščita pred UV sevanjem
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-102611 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:05.09.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Influence of in-situ synthesis parameters on achieving UV protective cotton fabric
Zinc oxide (ZnO) is an inorganic compound, which in addition to photocatalytic, semi-conductive and antibacterial properties, provides excellent protection against ultraviolet (UV) radiation. Textiles that offer UV protection play an important role in prevention of skin damages caused by UV radiation. The aim of master's thesis research, was to investigate different parameters of in-situ synthesis of ZnO nanoparticles (ZnO-NP) on cotton in order to achieve high UV protecton factor (UPF). In the first part of the research the influence of different reducing agents (Na2CO3, KOH, NaOH) and it's molar concentration (0,1M and 1M) on formation of nanoparticles and UPF values of cotton fabric was studied. The second part of the research was focused on other parameters of in-situ synthesis, such as treatment time in ZnCl2 precursor, synthesis time (time of treatment after adding the reducing agent) and drying time after in-situ synthesis. Using UV/Vis spectroscopy high UPF values were determined on cotton fabric, where in-situ synthesis was performed using NaOH and KOH, both in 1M molar concentration. The use of NaOH resulted in higher UPF value of cotton fabric. The content of ZnO particles was examined with inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). As expected, the results showed higher content of zinc on the fabric, where NaOH was used for in-situ synthesis. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) showed that use of this reducing agent resulted in cotton fabric, completely covered with small, round shaped nanoparticles. From the second part of the research it was discovered that synthesis time has the biggest influence on UPF value of cotton fabric. Treatment time in precursor did not importantly affect the UV protection of the fabric. Besides that, longer drying time did not result in higher UPF value, although it had a big influence on morphology of the synthesized nanoparticles. With longer drying time the nanoparticles were more round shaped. The samples had poor wash fastness even after the first wash, which was observed by removal of the majority of ZnO nanoparticles.

Keywords:in-situ synthesis, nanoparticles, zinc oxide, UV radiation, cotton, UV protection

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