
Dimenzioniranje večstopenjskega gonila s kovinskimi in polimernimi zobniki
ID Arčon, Žiga (Author), ID Kalin, Mitjan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Magistrska naloga obravnava prototip večstopenjskega zobniškega gonila s kovinskimi in polimernimi zobniki. Izveden je bil preračun kinematike in trdnosti zobnikov po priporočilih VDI 2736 s programsko opremo KISSsoft. Pri najbolj obremenjeni zobniški dvojici je bila prilagojena osnovna geometrija zobnika za doseganje povišane korenske trdnosti. Kontaktna analiza, ki upošteva deformacije in obremenitve zobnika, je pokazala precejšno koncentracijo napetosti na eni strani polimernega zobnika. Koncentracije napetosti so bile odpravljene z modifikacijo ozobja polimernega zobnika. Zaradi spremenjene geometrije je bila izvedena tudi analiza bočnega razstopa zobniške dvojice, ki upošteva spremembe temperatur in deformacij med obratovanjem in predlagane so bile tolerančne vrednosti za izdelavo zobniške dvojice.

Keywords:zobniška gonila, polimerni zobniki, Pedelec, KISSsoft, kontaktna analiza, bočni razstop
Work type:Master's thesis
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Publisher:[Ž. Arčon]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-102567 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:16395035 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:02.09.2018
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Title:Sizing the multi-stage gear drive with metal and polymer gears
Master thesis treats the prototype of multi-stage gear drive with metal and polymer gears. Gear kinematics and strength calculations were carried out according to VDI 2736 recommendations, with KISSsoft software. Basic profile of the most stressed gear pair was adjusted to increase tooth root strength. Contact analysis, with consideration of stress and deformations, showed concentration of stress on one side of polymer gear wheel. To suppress the asymmetric stress concentration, a polymer gear teeth were modified. Because of the change of geometry, an operating backlash analysis was performed, which considered temperature changes and deformations during drive operation. New tolerances were proposed for the gear pair manufacturing.

Keywords:gear drive, polymer gears, Pedelec, KISSsoft, contact analysis, backlash

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