
Vpliv velikosti delcev in koncentracije ZnO na električne lastnosti polimerno-keramičnega kompozita
ID Ivanuša, Teodor (Author), ID Slemenik Perše, Lidija (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Pri izdelavi komponent za električno zaščito se lahko pojavijo kosi, ki so dimenzijsko ali pa funkcijsko neustrezni. Takšne kose lahko ponovno zmeljemo in jih preoblikujemo v nov izdelek s pomočjo polimera, ki služi kot vezivo. Eden izmed problemov, ki pri tem nastane je vprašanje, kako ta novi kompozit vpliva na električne lastnosti izdelka. V tej raziskavi želimo ugotoviti ali in kako na električne lastnosti vpliva porazdelitev in velikost delcev ponovno zmletega cink oksidnega (ZnO) prahu v polimernem kompozitu. V ta namen so bili pripravljeni in testirani različni kompozitni vzorci z različno velikostjo, porazdelitvijo ter koncentracijo delcev ZnO. Rezultati nakazujejo, da ima porazdelitev velikosti delcev cinkovega oksida velik vpliv na električne lastnosti pripravljenega kompozitnega materiala. Pri kompozitnem materialu z manjšo velikostjo delcev cink oksida izmerimo pri enaki aplicirani napetosti manjši tok kot pri kompozitnem materialu z večjo velikostjo delcev cink oksida. Pri kompozitnem vzorcu z najširšo porazdelitvijo velikosti delcev cink oksida pa izmerimo pri enaki aplicirani napetosti daleč najvišji tok. Rezultati torej nakazujejo, da bolj kot sama velikost delcev ZnO vpliva na električne lastnosti kompozitnega materiala porazdelitev velikosti ZnO.

Keywords:ZnO kompoziti električne lastnosti vpliv velikosti delcev vpliv porazdelitve delcev HDPE
Work type:Final paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Publisher:[T. Ivanuša]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-102562 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:16355355 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:02.09.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Effect of particle size and concentration of ZnO on electrical properties of polymer-ceramic composite
In the production of electrical protection components some parts may appear pieces that are dimensionally or functionally inadequate. Such parts can be grinded again and converted into a new product using a polymer that serves as a binder. One of the problems that arise is the question of how this new composite affects the electrical properties of the product. In this study, we want to determine whether and how electrical properties are influenced by the distribution and size of reused zinc oxide (ZnO) particles in the polymeric composite. Various composite samples with different sizes, distribution and concentration of ZnO particles were prepared and tested. The results indicate that the distribution of zinc oxide particles has a major influence on the electrical properties of the prepared composite material. In the case of a composite material with a smaller particle size of zinc oxide, a smaller current was measured at the same applied voltage compared to the composite material with a larger particle size of zinc oxide. In the composite sample with the widest size distribution of zinc oxide particles, the largest current was measured at the same applied voltages. The results therefore suggest that compared to the size of ZnO particles, the effect of the distribution of the ZnO on electrical properties is more important.

Keywords:ZnO composites electrical properties effect of particle size effect of particle distribution HDPE

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