The purpose of this thesis is to describe and analyse the Slovenian drag scene. The point of the thesis is to determine the main reasons as to why people start doing drag performance and how they perceive the performance of dressing in clothes of the opposite sex. I want to explore how they comprehend their own sexual and gender identity. The thesis is divided in two parts. Theoretical part describes the relevant theories that conceptualize gender and its meaning in different ways. I present sociological, feminist and transgender conceptualization of gender and I describe the view on gender by queer theory and the importance of gender performativity. Cultural and societal meaning of drag performance is described as a practice prevalent in gay community and has nowadays become part of the dominant culture. In the empirical part of the thesis I focus on interview analysis. Finally, the research questions related to discrimination of drag queens by heterosexual population and LGBT community are dealt with, in addition to problems related to finding a romantic partner and using drag performance as a means of hiding their own personality.