
Avtomatizirano testiranje aplikacije Android
ID PANGERC, SANDI (Author), ID Dobravec, Tomaž (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V tem diplomskem delu so predstavljeni postopki testiranja aplikacije Android. Namen dela je spoznati osnovne koncepte in načine testiranja programske opreme ter jih nato uporabiti v praksi. Glavni cilj je ustvariti avtomatizirano testno okolje za programsko opremo in spoznati, kakšni so učinkoviti načini testiranja. V okviru diplomskega dela se bomo osredotočili na testiranje aplikacije Android znotraj produkta podjetja MESI, d.o.o. Izbrana orodja za testiranje so JUnit, Mockito in Espresso. Orodja bomo uporabljali za testiranje tako same aplikacije, kot integracijo aplikacije znotraj platforme. Z izvajanjem testnih primerov želimo zagotoviti zanesljivo delovanje. Iz rezultatov ugotovimo, kako uspešni so določeni načini testiranja in kakšni so potrebni ukrepi za reševanje pomanjkljivega testiranja.

Keywords:Testiranje programske opreme, avtomatsko testiranje, testno orodje JUnit, testno orodje Mockito, testno orodje Espresso, Android, programska oprema
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FRI - Faculty of Computer and Information Science
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-102503 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:31.08.2018
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Title:Android automated testing
The thesis presents testing methods for the Android application. The purpose of the thesis is to learn the basic concepts and approaches to software testing and applying them in practice. The main objective is to create a software automated testing environment and to identify which testing methods are most effective. In the thesis we have focused on testing the Android application within the company product made by MESI, Ltd. The chosen testing tools have been JUnit, Mockito, and Espresso. These tools have been used to test the application’s stability and to verify that the application works as intended when integrated into the company's platform. By implementing these testing methods we hope to ensure a reliable and running operation. The end results help us discover how effective certain testing methods are, and what measures are necessary to resolve inadequate testing.

Keywords:Software testing, automated software testing, test tool JUnit, test tool Mockito, test tool Espresso, Android, software

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