In my master's thesis, I explored the importance and impact of positive news on the public. I wondered if Slovenian between twenthy and thirty years old want to watch positive news. I found a few scientific literatures about positive news, so I combined various sources. These are scientific sources that talk about news in general and popular scientific sources that talk about positive news. Media that provide positive news to the audience are present for a long time abroad. They exist in America, Great Britain, Croatia, Finland, India, Indonesia, Germany, Australia and elsewhere. There were several positive news stories in Slovenia. Some media with positive news still exist today. For the master's thesis, I created Sijaj (Shine) - an online news release with positive news. I wrote about production of news show, from preproduction to postproduction. On the case of Sijaj with help of three focus groups I determined whether positive news show is suitable for the Slovenian market.