
Vpliv napetostnih upadov na sistem za klimatizacijo pri industrijskem odjemalcu
ID BAN, PRIMOŽ (Author), ID Blažič, Boštjan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V magistrskem delu sem želel osvetliti vpliv napetostnih upadov na delovanje klimatizacije proizvodnih obratov sterilnih izdelkov v podjetju Lek Ljubljana. V uvodnem delu sem predstavil definicijo in tipe napetostnih upadov ter njihov vpliv na delovanje frekvenčnih pretvornikov. Glavni del sem razdelil na štiri sklope. V prvem sklopu sem podal rezultate analize napetostnih upadov na SN zbiralki industrijskega omrežja Lek Ljubljana za obdobje 2016–2017. V drugem sklopu sem teoretično obdelal posamezne tehnike in možnosti za njihovo kompenzacijo ter za vsako izmed njih izvedel evaluacijo. Za najbolj ustrezno sem izbral uporabo DVR-ja. Tretji sklop sem namenil modeliranju predlagane rešitve, to je DVR-ja v programskem okolju pscad, pri čemer sem teoretično predstavil posamezne uporabljene gradnike. Za gradnik klimatizacije sem izbral ekvivalent dovodnega klimata KDS01, ki se v podjetju Lek Ljubljana uporablja v sklopu klimatizacije obrata Viale. Za izvor napetostnih upadov sem uporabil generator nizkoohmskih kratkih stikov. V četrtem, zadnjem sklopu glavnega dela, pa sem v pscad-u izvedel simulacijo delovanja DVR-ja za posamezne tipe napetostnih upadov in pri vsakem podal rezultate in ugotovitve. Pregled dobljenih rezultatov je pokazal, da je predlagana rešitev kompenzacije napetostnih upadov na klimatizaciji podjetja Lek Ljubljana z uporabo DVR-ja povsem ustrezna.

Keywords:DVR, napetostni upadi, deljeno breme, frekvenčni pretvorniki, aktivni serijski kompenzator, pscad, industrijski odjemalec, klimatizacija Lek Ljubljana.
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-102381 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:24.08.2018
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Title:The effect of voltage dips on the air-conditioning system of an industrial consumer
The aim of my master's thesis is to highlight the effect of voltage sags on the air conditioning system work of sterile production plants at Lek Ljubljana. In the beginning, I introduced the definition and types of voltage sags and their general impact on the operation of frequency converters. The main part is divided into four sections. In the first part, I presented the results of the analysis of voltage sags at the MV buss of the industrial network Lek Ljubljana for the period 2016 - 2017. In the second part, I theoretically explained techniques and carried out an evaluation of results for each of them. As the most suitable solution, I chose to use a DVR. The third part is about the modeling of the proposed solution, i.e. the DVR in the pscad, where I theoretically presented the individual block used. For the air-conditioning unit, I chose the equivalent of the inlet climate KDS01, which is used in the company Lek Ljubljana as a part of the air conditioning system at the Viale plant. For the source of voltage sags I used a simple short-circuit generator on line. In the fourth, the last part of the main part, I performed a simulation of the DVR for an individual type of voltage sag in pscad and gave the test results and findings for each. A review of the obtained results showed that the proposed solution for compensating voltage sags on air conditioning system Lek Ljubljana using DVR is adequate.

Keywords:DVR, voltage sags, voltage dips, divided load, frequency converters, active serial compensator, pscad, industrial customer, air-conditioning system Lek Ljubljana.

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