
Vezje za testiranje zasilne svetilke preko brezžičnega omrežja
ID ZORAN, ALEŠ (Author), ID Puhan, Janez (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Cilj magistrskega dela je izdelava testirnega vezja, ki lahko preko spleta opravi potrebne teste na zasilni svetilki. To vezje služi za test funkcionalnosti in test baterije zasilne svetilke, kar narekuje zakon. Poda nam rezultate, s katerimi lahko ob njenem nedelovanju ocenimo, za kakšno vrsto napake gre. Pri nalogi smo uporabili zasilno svetilko podjetja Beghelli, model Aestetica, ki uporablja NiCd-baterijo. Testirno vezje je prototipne narave in je namenjeno vgradnji v ohišje zasilne svetilke. Napaja se iz električnega omrežja in sodeluje z glavnim vezjem, ki je že prisotno v zasilni svetilki. Namen glavnega vezja je polnjenje baterije in pretvorba napetosti na ustrezno napetost za vklop sijalke. Glavni del testirnega vezja sestavlja platforma ESP8266 NodeMCU, ki je namenjena krmiljenju komponent pri samem testu in povezovanju vezja v brezžično omrežje. Naprava je preko omrežja WiFi v komunikaciji s posrednikom preko protokola MQTT. Testiranje je razdeljeno na kratek in dolg test. Kratki test traja nekaj sekund in vrne rezultate o funkcionalnosti svetilke, delovanju sijalke in napetosti baterije, katero primerja z njeno minimalno potrebno napetostjo. S tem oceni njeno trenutno stanje. Daljši test nam poda rezultat o delovanju sijalke in največjo možno kapaciteto baterije, s katero določimo vrednost SoH. Napetost baterije se izmeri s pomočjo napetostnega delilnika in analognega vhoda platforme. Za meritev kapacitete baterije pa uporabimo integrirano vezje LTC4150, ki meri količino pretečenega naboja. LTC4150 količino pretečenega naboja pretvori v impulze. Ko je baterija popolnoma napolnjena, lahko z njeno popolno izpraznitvijo določimo njeno kapaciteto. Baterijo izpraznimo skozi uporovno breme in merimo naboj, ki priteče iz nje. S tem dobimo njeno največjo kapaciteto in vrednost SoH. Zaradi ustreznega toka praznjenja se čas daljšega testiranja močno podaljša.

Keywords:zasilna svetilka, ESP8266, protokol MQTT, NiCd-baterija
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-102333 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:21.08.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Circuit for wireless testing of the emergency light
The aim of the Master's thesis is to make a test circuit, which can carry out the necessary emergency light tests via the Internet. The circuit can perform the functional and battery tests of the emergency light – both required by law. With the obtained results, one can find out the type of error in case of the emergency light failure. For the thesis, the Beghelli's emergency light, model Aestetica, was used. The light uses NiCd battery. The developed test circuit prototype is meant to be installed inside the housing of the emergency light. It is powered from the emergency light power supply, i.e.: the mains. The test circuit cooperates with the emergency light circuitry that charges the battery and converts the voltage for the light bulb. The main part of the test circuit is the ESP8266 NodeMCU platform. It is designed to control the components during the test and to connect the circuit to the wireless network. Using WiFi, the device is connected to the broker via the MQTT protocol. The test circuit can perform a short or long test. The short test lasts only for a few seconds. The functional test of the emergency light is performed, that is the light bulb and battery voltage are tested. Thus, the basic assessment of the emergency light state can be quickly obtained. The battery voltage is measured using a voltage divider and the analog input of the ESP8266 NodeMCU platform. Besides the basics, the long test also measures battery capacity and determines its SoH value. The integrated circuit LTC4150 is used. Fully charged battery is discharged while the LTC4150 measures the amount of elapsed charge and converts it into pulses. A chain of resistors is used for that purpose. The measurement yields an accurate value of the current battery capacity and consequently its SoH value. Since the discharging current must not be too large, the duration of the long test can be considerable.

Keywords:emergency light, ESP8266, MQTT protocol, NiCd battery

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