
Možni načini popolnjevanja Slovenske vojske glede na spremenjene varnostne razmere
ID MAHNIČ, ŽAN (Author), ID Svete, Uroš (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Zaradi finančne in gospodarske krize je takratna Vlada Republike Slovenije leta 2009 pričela z varčevanjem na področju obrambe in v nekaj letih se je obrambni proračun znižal za približno 40 %. Posledice tega drastičnega krčenja obrambnega proračuna Republika Slovenija čuti še danes, saj sta se v zadnjih letih pričeli drastično krčiti tako njena stalna sestava kot tudi pogodbena rezerva, tako da so enote Slovenske vojske danes popolnjene približno 60 %. Ob tem je pomembno tudi dejstvo, da se je od leta 2014 naprej varnostna situacija v svetu poslabšala, kar vpliva tudi na obrambno in varnostno politiko držav članic Evropske unije in zveze Nato. Republika Slovenija kot članica obeh evroatlantskih povezav pri tem ni izjema, saj smo ob vstopu v obe organizaciji nase prevzeli tudi pomemben del odgovornosti zaradi sprejetih zavez in deljenja bremen kolektivne obrambe. Zaradi kadrovske podhranjenosti Slovenska vojska ne more več izvajati vseh nalog, ki ji jih nalaga Zakon o obrambi, zato so nujno potrebni ukrepi, ki bodo izboljšali kadrovsko sliko Slovenske vojske. Pri tem pa se mi pojavlja glavno vprašanje, kaj narediti z načinom popolnjevnaja Slovenske vojske – naj ostanemo na istem, naj ponovno uvedemo naborništvo ali naj preidemo na kombiniran sistem popolnjevanja. Temu vprašanju sem se posvetil v diplomski nalogi tako, da sem analiziral strateške dokumente Republike Slovenije na področju obrambe in varnosti, jih primerjal z dejanskim stanjem ter strokovnjake s področja obrambe in varnosti vprašal, kaj bi bilo potrebno storiti za izboljšanje stanja v Slovenski vojski.

Keywords:Slovenska vojska, popolnjevanje, poklicna vojska, splošna vojaška dolžnost, selektivna vojaška dolžnost.
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-102302 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:35778653 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:16.08.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Possible ways of fulfilling manning requirements of the Slovenian Armed Forces with regards to the changed security situation
Due to the effects of the financial and economic crisis in 2009, the Government of the Republic of Slovenia started to decrease its expenditures by cutting the defence budget for roughly 40% in the next few years. One of the consequences of such severe cuts, which can still be felt today, is the inability of the Armed Forces to fulfill its personnel manning quotas. Currently, active duty and reserve units of the Slovenian Armed Forces are at 60% of their authorized manning levels. Since 2014, the security situation in the world deteriorated, which affected the defence and security policies of the EU and NATO member states. Slovenia, who, as a member of both organizations took upon itself an important part of collective responsibilities and burden sharing, is no exception. Since the Slovenian Armed Forces are severely understaffed, they cannot carry out all the tasks given to them by the Defence Act, which means that urgent measures are needed in order to fully staff the Armed Forces. While the desired end state, fully manned Armed Forces, is clear, the question remains how to achieve it: should we continue with the same recruitment policies, reintroduce conscription, or establish a system of combined fulfillment of manning requirements? I approached this dilemma by analyzing Slovenia’s strategic documents in the areas of defence and security, comparing the documents with the real life situation, and by asking leading professionals from the areas of defence and security about their opinion what should be done to improve the state of the Slovenian Armed Forces.

Keywords:Slovenian Armed Forces, fulfillment of manning requirements, active duty military, conscription, selective conscription.

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