
Primerjava tehniških predmetov v javni ter alternativnih osnovnih šolah : diplomsko delo
ID Penov, Liza (Author), ID Avsec, Stanislav (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Diplomsko delo podaja vpogled v osnovnošolsko tehniško izobraževanje na treh različnih zvrsteh šol: javna šola, waldorfska in montessori. Predstavljene so osnovne značilnosti šolanja na omenjenih treh zvrsteh vključno s pravnim položajem subjekta. V diplomskem delu smo raziskali nekaj vsebin tehniških predmetov z osnovnim namenom podati kritični pogled na konkurenčnost profila doseženih tehniških in tehnoloških kompetenc učenca. Cilj raziskave je bil opredeliti obravnavano področje, opisati izbrane sisteme po kriterijih, ananlizirati prednosti in slabosti vsakega ter podati predloge za izboljšavo le-teh. Podatke smo zbrali iz literature ter s strukturiranim intervjujem dveh učiteljev iz zasebnih osnovnih šol. Zbrane podatke smo primerjali in analizirali. Zaključili smo predvsem, da so zasebne šole v prednosti, ker več pozornosti posvečajo posamezniku in temu priredijo pouk, ocenjevanje, itd. Javna osnovna šola pa je v prednosti predvsem, ker imajo učitelji boljšo izobrazbo na področju tehnike in zato obširneje obravnavajo učne vsebine s področja tehnike in tehnologije ter bolj navdušeno spodbujajo in vključujejo učence na tekmovanja. Učenci, ki so končali katero koli od omenjenih osnovnih šol, imajo enake pogoje za nadaljnji vpis. Da bi dobili še boljši vpogled v raziskano vsebino, bi morali narediti pregled konkretnih izdelkov, ki jih izdelajo na različnih šolah ter metode in strategije, ki so jih pri tem uporabili; preveriti kompetentnost učencev ob koncu šolanja na omenjenih šolah; podrobneje raziskati medpredmetno povezovanje ter preveriti kako to, kar smo preučevali, izgleda v praksi.

Keywords:tehnika in tehnologija, waldorfska osnovna šola, montessori osnovna šola, javna osnovna šola
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher:[L. Penov]
Number of pages:50 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-102285 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:12072265 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:31.08.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Technology education in primary school: a comparison of public, Montessori and Waldorf school
The thesis gives an insight in primary school technology education on three different types of institution: a Public, Waldorf and Montessori. Basic features of schooling on the above mentioned institutions are presented, as well as subject's legal position. In the thesis we explore several contents of technology subject with the basic purpose of giving critical viewpoint on the competitive profile of thechnical and technological competences achieved by the student. Goal of the research was to define the field we are dealing with, describe the chosen systems based on criteria, analise pros and cons of each and to propose amendments. The data was collected form literature and by interviewing two theachers from two private institutions. The data collected was analised and put into comparison. The conclusion we came to is that the advantage of private schools is on the account of emphasising the individuality of the student, thereby adjusting the classes, evaluations, etc. Public school, on the other hand, has it's advantage on the account of greater professional education of the teacher, therefore they are able to conduct much broader understanding of the techinc and technology subjects which results also in greater, more enthusiastic and more succsessful participation of the students in competitions. Students who finished any of the above mentioned program are on the same conditions in terms of further education. In order to gain even greater insight into the researched subject we should do an overview of comparing the actual products that are being made in different schools as well as the methods and strategies used, test the competency of the students who finished the program, do an in-depth research of intersubject integration and check how all that we studied looks in practice.

Keywords:technical education, primary school, tehniško izobraževanje, osnovna šola

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