
Stališča razrednih učiteljev prvega triletja osnovnih šol do vključevanje medkulturne vzgoje v pouk književnosti : magistrsko delo
ID Gradišar, Manja (Author), ID Saksida, Igor (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/id/eprint/5149 This link opens in a new window

V najnovejšem učnem načrtu za slovenščino, izdanim leta 2011, lahko ugotovimo, da sta domovinska in medkulturna literarna socializacija precej bolj povezani, kot sta bili nekoč. To lahko označimo kot posledico stalnega spreminjanja človeške družbe in s tem tudi sistema. V splošnih ciljih, ki so v učnem načrtu zapisani, lahko uvidimo povezavo s književnim poukom in z razvojem medkulturne zmožnosti, spodbujajoč kritična razmišljanja. Glede na cilje, bi torej otroci morali širiti obzorja in se izobraževati s pomočjo mladinske literature, ki nosijo medkulturno-vzgojno sporočilo. Kljub temu, da je to zapisano v učnem načrtu, pa se mi zdi, da se učitelji veliko preredko poslužujejo leposlovnih besedil z namenom, da otrokom približajo druge kulture ali vključijo otroke, ki se niso popolnoma vklopili v novo okolje. Namen medkulturne vzgoje pri pouku književnosti je, da lahko učencem zagotovimo pozitivne izkušnje s prepoznavanjem razlik med ljudmi in jim ponudimo možnost, da razlike sprejmejo in uvidijo tudi kot prednosti. S pomočjo pravljic, ki jih približamo otrokom, jim predajamo pomembna sporočila in hkrati izjemne priložnosti, da si otroci oblikujejo lastne vidike na različne situacije. Različne dejavnosti, ki pa jih moramo skrbno načrtovati po prebranem besedilu, pa otroke učijo potrpežljivosti, jim dopuščajo, da se v vloge vživijo in vrednotijo odnose med liki v pravljicah. Cilj raziskave je ugotoviti mnenja razrednih učiteljev o pomembnosti in pogostosti vključevanja medkulturne vzgoje v pouk književnosti v prvem triletju. Kako in kdaj učitelji vključijo literaturo, ki vzpodbuja medkulturnost v razredu, v kolikšni meri menijo, da to vključujejo tudi predpisana šolska berila in kakšne dejavnosti se najpogosteje pojavljajo. Z raziskavo želim pokazati, kakšne razlike glede stališč se pojavljajo pri vključevanju medkulturne vzgoje v pouk književnosti med učitelji prvega vzgojno-izobraževalnega obdobja. Analizirala sem tudi nekaj besedil z medkulturno vsebino s smernicami, ki bodo služile interpretaciji besedila za otroke po branju.

Keywords:učenci priseljenci, vodenje pogovora po besedilu, medkulturna književnost, vključenost, integracija
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher:[M. Gradišar]
Number of pages:50 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-102072 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:12048457 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:31.08.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Attitudes of class teachers of the first triad of elementary school towards the significance of intercultural education inclusion in literature
In the latest curriculum for Slovene language published in 2011, we could conclude that homeland and intercultural literary socialisation are much more connected than they used to be. This can be explained as a consequence of the constant transformation of human society and of the system. In the general goals, which are written in the curriculum, we can see the connection with literary lessons and the development of intercultural competence, encouraging critical thinking. According to those goals, children should be able to spread their horizons and educate themselves with the help of youth literature, that carries intercultural education messages. The latter is already written in the curriculum, however, it seems to me, that teachers often use fiction texts with the view of bringing children closer to other cultures or involving children who have not fully fit into the new environment. The purpose of intercultural education in the teaching of literature is to provide students with positive experiences by recognising differences between people and offering them the opportunity to accept those differences and see the benefits of them as well. Through fairy tales, that we read to children, we give them important messages and at the same time exceptional opportunities for them to shape their own aspects in different situations. After reading the text, different activities have to be planned carefully. Those activities help children learn patience and also allow them to relate and evaluate relationships between characters in fairy tales. The aim of the research is to determine the views of class teachers about the importance and frequency of the inclusion of intercultural education in the teaching of literature in the first three years. The research deals with the following questions: how and when teachers include the literature, that encourages intercultural thinking in the classroom, to what extent they believe, that this includes the school's school notes and what kind of activities most commonly occur. With this study I would like to show what the differences in attitudes in the inclusion of intercultural education in teaching literature among teachers of the first educational period with shorter working hours are and what are the differences with those, who have more work experience.

Keywords:intercultural education, children's and youth literature, medkulturna vzgoja, mladinska književnost

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