
Socialna izključenost otrok v osnovni šoli : magistrsko delo
ID Bedek, Urška (Author), ID Razpotnik, Špela (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/id/eprint/5111 This link opens in a new window

Socialna izključenost je pojav, s katerim se srečuje vsaka šola. Dolgotrajna socialna izključenost ima lahko za učenca neugodne posledice, ki vplivajo na njegovo celotno življenje. Nekatere šole dajejo več poudarka reševanju tega problema, druge manj, v vsakem primeru je potrebno, da se ta pojav opazi in se nanj primerno odreagira. Magistrsko delo raziskuje pojav socialne izključenosti otrok v osnovnih šolah. V teoretičnem delu razloži koncept socialne izključenosti ter stanje socialne izključenosti v Sloveniji. Sledi razlaga o tem kako socialna izključenost vpliva na otroka in njegov razvoj. V nadaljevanju so predstavljeni nekateri teoretični modeli v povezavi z razvojem otroka. Sledi del, ki razlaga, kakšen je pomen osnovne šole za otroka predvsem v smislu zdravega otrokovega razvoja in pomena dobrih odnosov z vrstniki. V zadnjem poglavju teoretičnega dela delo opisuje učence s čustvenimi in vedenjskimi motnjami ter njihove značilnosti v povezavi z njihovo motnjo, šolo in ustrezne pomoči. Empirični del temelji na opravljenih delno strukturiranih intervjujih s petnajstimi učitelji in učiteljicami ter šolskimi svetovalnimi delavkami in delavci iz desetih različnih osnovnih šol po Sloveniji. Raziskava je ugotavljala, kako strokovni delavci definirajo pojem socialne izključenosti, katere vzroke oz. vrste socialne izključenosti prepoznavajo pri učencih njihovih šol, ali menijo, da je socialna izključenost problem, kakšni so odzivi osnovnih šol glede pojava socialne izključenosti otrok in kateri so primeri dobrih praks. Naloga ugotavlja, da strokovni delavci prepoznavajo zelo različne vrste sociale izključenosti in vzroke zanjo ter da se večina zaveda neugodnih posledic socialne izključenosti na zdrav razvoj otroka. Presenetljivo je dejstvo, da je največ socialno izključenih otrok zaradi izstopajočega vedenja in posebnih potreb. Šole se na zelo različne načine spopadajo s pojavom socialne izključenosti otroka, v največji meri so v reševanje težav vključeni učitelji in učiteljice ter šolska svetovalna služba. Šole so aktivne tudi glede preventivnega dela, da do socialnega izključevanja ne bi prišlo. Glede socialne izključenosti učencev, ki imajo odločbo o čustvenih in vedenjskih motnjah, strokovni delavci ne opažajo večjih posebnosti, prav tako se delo s temi učenci ne razlikuje od dela z ostalimi socialno izključenimi učenci.

Keywords:socialna izključenost, učitelji, šolska svetovalna služba, otroci s čustvenimi in vedenjskimi motnjami, posledice izključenosti
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher:[U. Bedek]
Number of pages:120 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-102034 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:12027209 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:31.08.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Social exclusion of children in primary school
Every school is facing the phenomenon of social exclusion. Long-term social exclusion can have unpleasant consequences for students and impact their entire life. Some schools give more emphasis on solving this problem and others less, but in any case it is necessary to spot this phenomenon and properly react to it. The master’s thesis researches the phenomenon of social exclusion of children in primary schools. In the theoretical part, it explains the concept of social exclusion and the state of social exclusion in Slovenia. This is followed by the explanation of how social exclusion affects the child and its development. The thesis then presents some theoretical models in connection with the development of the child. The next part explains the significance of primary school for the child, particularly in terms of its healthy development and importance of good relationships with peers. The final part of the theoretical part describes children with emotional and behavioural disorders and their characteristics in connection with their disorder, the school and appropriate assistance. The empirical part is based on the conducted semi-structural interviews with fifteen male and female teachers and school counsellors from ten different Slovenian primary schools. The aim of the research was to find out how professional workers define the concept of social exclusion, which causes or types of social exclusion they recognize in students in their schools, whether they think that social exclusion is a problem and how the primary schools react to social exclusion of children. We also wanted to hear about some examples of good practices. The results show that professional workers recognize different types and causes of social exclusion and that the majority is aware about the negative impact of social exclusion on the healthy development of the child. Surprising is the fact that the majority of children are socially excluded due to extraordinary behaviour or special needs. Schools have very different ways of coping with social exclusion of children. Problem-solving mostly involves male and female teachers and schools counsellors. Schools are also active in the field of preventive measures in order to prevent the occurrence of social exclusion in the first place. In terms of social exclusion of students with an official order confirming the presence of emotional and behavioural disorders, professional workers are not spotting any significant specialities, at the same time, working with these students does not differ from working with other socially excluded students.

Keywords:socially handicapped, primary school, socialno prizadeti, osnovna šola

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