
Logografska metoda opismenjevanja in predopismenjevalne zmožnosti pri otrocih z zmerno motnjo v duševnem razvoju : magistrsko delo
ID Cigale, Kristina (Author), ID Lipec-Stopar, Mojca (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/id/eprint/5104 This link opens in a new window

Pismenost je opredeljena kot zmožnost razumevanja in uporabe tistih pisnih oblik, ki so pomembne za družbo in posameznika. Pojem opismenjevanje pa je definiran kot prvi del dolgotrajnega procesa učenja branja in pisanja. Za začetno opismenjevanje ter tudi nadaljnji potek razvijanja zmožnosti branja in pisanja so ključne predopismenjevalne veščine, ki jih vsak otrok izkazuje. Bistveni dejavniki, ki vplivajo na razvijanje spretnosti branja in pisanja, so otrokove kognitivne zmožnosti, vizualni in avditivni spomin, govor in fonološko zavedanje. Vsak otrok ima ob vstopu v proces opismenjevanja različno razvite predopismenjevalne veščine, otroci z zmernimi motnjami v duševnem razvoju pa se ravno na teh področjih bistveno razlikujejo od svojih vrstnikov značilnega razvoja. Ti otroci imajo pogosto slabše fonološko zavedanje, šibkejše besedišče in težave v jezikovnem razumevanju (tudi kot posledica drugih faktorjev, npr. težave v spominu in kratkotrajna pozornost). Razvoj branja je zato upočasnjen. Zaradi specifičnih razlik v predopismenjevalnih veščinah tudi učenje branja in pisanja pri teh otrocih poteka prilagojeno, še vedno pa sledimo razvojnim stopnjam procesa. Prva izmed razvojnih stopenj v učenju branja in pisanja je logografska stopnja, iz katere izhaja logografska metoda opismenjevanja. Le-ta izhaja iz predpostavke, da otrok prične z branjem besed kot vizualnih celot; sčasoma se nauči »slikovno« prebrati besede. Izbor besed je individualno prilagojen otroku in njegovim potrebam, zato ta metoda spada pod ustrezne metode opismenjevanja za otroke z zmernimi motnjami v duševnem razvoju. V pričujočem magistrskem delu smo želeli prispevati k identificiranju morebitne povezave med štirimi predopismenjevalnimi veščinami in uspešnostjo logografske metode začetnega opismenjevanja pri otrocih z zmernimi motnjami v duševnem razvoju. Za potrebe raziskave smo izbrali pet otrok, ki obiskujejo prvo stopnjo posebnega programa vzgoje in izobraževanja. Za vključene otroke smo v začetku meseca marca opravili vpogled v njihove predopismenjevalne veščine, nato pa od meseca marca do meseca junija izvajali logografski program začetnega opismenjevanja. Ob koncu izvajanja smo analizirali število pridobljenih besed prek omenjene metode in rezultate s pregledov predopismenjevalnih veščin, ki so jih otroci izkazali na prvih srečanjih. Rezultati so pokazali, da obstajajo določene razlike med številom pridobljenih besed za vključene otroke, vendar pa zanesljive povezave med številom pridobljenih besed po logografski metodi in izkazanimi predopismenjevalnimi veščinami nismo mogli dokazati. Eden izmed razlogov je predvsem majhen vzorec vključenih otrok v raziskavo. Nakazuje se povezanost med vidnim pomnjenjem in razlikovanjem ter številom pridobljenih besed, ki bi jo bilo treba še poglobljeno raziskati na večjem številu otrok.

Keywords:besedišče, fonološko zavedanje
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher:[K. Cigale]
Number of pages:114 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-102023 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:12022089 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:31.08.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Logographic method of literacy and prereading skills of children with moderate intellectual disabilities
Literacy is defined as the ability to understand and use those written forms that are important in a particular society and for individuals. The concept of early stages of literacy is defined as the first part of a lengthy process of learning how to read and write. Pre-writing skills that each child shows are crucial for initial literacy as well for the further development of reading and writing. The key factors that influence the development of reading and writing are children's cognitive abilities, visual and auditory memory as well as speech and phonological awareness. Each child has different pre-literacy skills when entering the process of literacy, especially when it comes to children with moderate intellectual disability who are different from their peers with typical development in these areas. These children often have weak phonological awareness, weak vocabulary and problems with language comprehension (also as a result of other factors, such as memory problems and short-term attention). As a result, reading development is slowed down. Reading and writing of children with moderate intellectual disability is therefore adjusted due to specific differences in pre-writing skills, but we still need to follow the developmental stages of the learning process. The first stage in the process of learning how to read and write is the so-called logographic stage from which the logographic method of literacy is derived. This method follows the assumption that a child starts reading words as a visual whole, eventually learning to read the words like an image. The choice of words is individually adjusted to the specific child and their needs and for this reason, this literacy method is appropriate for children with moderate intellectual disabilities. In this master’s thesis we wanted to establish a link between four pre-writing skills and the effectiveness of the logographic method of initial literacy in children with moderate intellectual disabilities. We selected five children who attend Level 1 of the special education programme for the purpose of the research. We performed an overview of pre-writing skills of the children involved in the beginning of March. Later, from March to June, we performed a logographic programme of early initial literacy. At the end of the programme, the number of words obtained through this method was analysed in the light of pre-writing skills that children showed at the first meetings. The results showed that there are some differences between the number of words obtained for the children involved. However, we could not establish any reliable connections between the number of words acquired through the logographic method of initial literacy and the showed pre-writing skills. The connection between visible memory and differentiation and the number of words acquired is indicated, but it should be further explored in order to confirm it.

Keywords:backward child, literacy, otrok s posebnimi potrebami, pismenost

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