
Pomoč učencu s težavami pri avtomatizaciji postopka pisnega množenja in deljenja v šestem razredu osnovne šole : magistrsko delo
ID Stamcar, Ines (Author), ID Kavkler, Marija (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/id/eprint/5100 This link opens in a new window

Učenci s primanjkljaji na področju učenja aritmetike se spoprijemajo s pomanjkljivo in ovirano avtomatizacijo matematičnih dejstev ter postopkov, ki je pogojena s težavami semantičnega spomina, proceduralnimi ovirami in vidno-prostorskimi primanjkljaji. Zadnje ima ključen vpliv na obvladovanje pisnega računanja in usvajanje pisnih algoritmov pri aritmetiki. Namen magistrskega dela je ugotoviti, kako pri učencu s primanjkljaji pri aritmetiki izboljšati uspešnost pri izvajanju računskih operacij pisnega množenja in deljenja. V magistrskem delu je predstavljen 30-urni trening, ki je bil izveden z učencem šestega razreda. Diagnostična ocena je bila pridobljena z neformalnimi razgovori z učencem, njegovimi starši, učiteljicami, izvajalko učne pomoči ter specialno in rehabilitacijsko pedagoginjo, ki je učenca obravnavala, z analizo učenčeve dokumentacije, vprašalnikom za ugotavljanje prevladujočega učnega stila učenca ter matematičnimi preizkusi in testi za oceno obvladovanja aritmetičnih znanj in spretnosti. Znotraj treninga je prikazan pomen povezovanja aritmetičnega proceduralnega, konceptualnega in deklarativnega znanja ter smiselnost poučevanja, kjer se prepletajo načela dobre poučevalne prakse in specialnopedagoški načini pomoči (poučevanje strategij reševanja nalog z odkrivanjem povezav med dejstvi in zakoni oziroma pravili, uporaba mnemotehnik, učenje kompenzacijskih strategij reševanja aritmetičnih nalog, raba ponazoril, pomoč učencu v obliki tutorstva itd.). Primerjava začetnih in končnih rezultatov testiranja kaže, da je učenec s pomočjo treninga bolje razumel in usvojil deklarativna in konceptualna aritmetična znanja, ki so pomembna za izvajanje postopka pisnega množenja, ter napredoval na področju zapomnitve in izvedbe korakov v postopku pisnega deljenja. Pridobljeni podatki bodo v pomoč učiteljem, izvajalcem učne ali dodatne strokovne pomoči ter specialnim in rehabilitacijskim pedagogom pri oblikovanju ustreznih pristopov in načinov pomoči za učence predmetne stopnje, ki nimajo usvojenih temeljnih matematičnih znanj in spretnosti.

Keywords:učenci s primanjkljaji na področju učenja aritmetike, trening, avtomatizacija postopka, pisno množenje in deljenje, pomnjenje, aritmetika
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher:[I. Stamcar]
Number of pages:168 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-102012 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:12020553 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:31.08.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Helping a sixth grader with learning disabilities to improve the automaticity of long division and multiplication
Students with the deficiencies in the field of learning arithmetic face deficient and impeded automation of mathematical facts and procedures which is conditioned by the troubles of the semantic memory, procedural impediments, and visual-spatial deficiencies. The latter has an essential influence on mastering computation in writing and assimilating written algorithms within arithmetic. The purpose of the master’s thesis is to ascertain how to improve success in performing arithmetic operations of written multiplication and division in a student with deficiencies in arithmetic. In the master’s thesis, I present 30-hour training which was performed with a student of the sixth grade. The diagnostic evaluation was acquired by means of informal discussion with the student, with his parents, teachers, the performer of the learning assistance, special rehabilitation teacher who treated the student, the analysis of the student’s record, questionnaire for ascertaining the prevailing learning style of the student, and mathematical tests and tests for the evaluation of mastering arithmetic knowledge and skills. Within the training, the significance of connecting arithmetic procedural, conceptual, and declarative knowledge, and the sanity of teaching where the principles of good teaching practice and special teaching approaches of assistance (learning strategies of solving tasks by means of discovering connections between the facts and laws or rules, the use of mnemotechniques, learning of compensation strategies of solving arithmetic tasks, the use of depictors, assistance to the student in form of tuition, etc.) intertwine. The comparison of the initial and concluding results of testing proves that, by means of training, the student better understood and assimilated declarative and conceptual arithmetic knowledge which is important for the performance of the procedure of written multiplication, and improved in the field of retention and performance of the steps in the procedure of written division. The acquired data will be helpful to teachers, performers of learning or additional professional help, and special rehabilitation teachers in the case of forming the appropriate approaches and methods of the assistance for the students of the subject level, which did not assimilate the basic mathematical knowledge and skills.

Keywords:learning difficulty, mathematics, učne težave, matematika

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