Introduction: : Labour and birth of a child is a time of great emotional, physical and mental stress that can block regular focused breathing, affect the pregnant woman's ability to relax, solve problems and think clearly. Therefore, it is very important to get acquainted with relaxation techniques in early pregnancy. They calm and concentrate the mind, help gather new energy supplies, thereby improving the overall well-being.
Purpose: The purpose of the diploma work is to introduce various relaxation techniques and their effect on the pregnant woman, birthing woman, new mother and the newborn in the prenatal and the natal period based on existing scientific and professional literature.
Methods: A descriptive method of work was used, based on a qualitative research approach. A strategy of comparing different articles was applied.
Discussion and conclusion: Reviewing the literature, the author of the diploma work discovered that there are many different techniques and methods of stress release in pregnancy and labour. The techniques are: acupuncture, acupressure, music therapy, yoga, taegyo, aromatherapy, psychotherapy and exercise. Relaxation techniques in pregnancy are very important as preparation for labour. Women may relax and prepare for labour with many different approaches. It is vital that a pregnant woman chooses the one that suits her best and makes her feel good.
Keywords: relaxation techniques, stress in pregnancy, relaxation, labour.