When engaging with techniques of theatre pedagogics the participant adopts a new role, which pushes him into building a shield. Due to the performative nature of the work we learn differently, as we are working at the interface of the spoken and the plastic. Similar moving forces can be found in other areas of art, where other established paradigms have to be overcome. The introduction of the concept of performance allows us to clarify the processes of aculturalization and intercultural dialogue. In the context of the performative act the participants have a different approach to thinking about the borders of society, which leads to actual changes. An individual that engages with diversity, confronts different cultures. In addition to doing so verbally, he can enhance the experience through the utilization of his body, which demand a different reading. Pokazuha is a performative act which serves the presentation of a staged culture on the outside and the consolidation of an inherent value system at the same time. The concept of performativity can be utilized in two ways: as a theoretical framework; and as proactive methodology. Its potential lies mainly in the field of intercultural dialogue.