The death of a loved one may be one of the most difficult and painful experiences that an individual can experience in life. During this time, the mourner can experience a lot of distress that makes him vulnerable. In this kind of trauma, an individual faces very intense emotions, feelings, changes, and adjustments in their life. Experiencing sudden death is an individual experience, so it is important that relatives and other mourners are tolerant and respectful to one another at that time. If the individual does not put his own effort into the process of mourning a loss or does not receive optimal support from the environment, such distress can leave the individual various mental and physical disorders.
In a qualitative phenomenological research, carried out on a sample of 8 grieving participants, for the purpose of determining an individual's experience of the experience of sudden death of a family member, the author used a pre-prepared in-depth targeted interview, which covered ten questions that related to our content area. The basic questions were related to the deceased person (where, when and how the sudden death occurred), emotional and physical experience of the grieving experience, experiencing support in the narrower and wider environment of the grieving person, possible changes in the family system (changing roles, adjustments), the difference in their experiencing experience once and today, and a positive and negative aspect of such an experience in life. The results showed that each mourner can experience a sudden death experience differently. The participants show the importance of family, social and professional support in the experience of the sudden death of a loved one, because it gives individuals the feeling of belonging and hope for the better. They show changes in their value system of mutual relationships and an optimistic view of life.