
Trajnostno ravnanje z odpadki v farmacevtskem podjetju x
ID Vučko, Petra (Author), ID Kos, Drago (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Farmacevtska industrija je na eni strani močno odvisna od okolja, na drugi strani pa spada med njegove večje onesnaževalke. Onesnažuje ga od vhodnih surovin, uporabe raznovrstnih kemikalij, razvoja in kliničnih testiranj, spodbujanja prevelike porabe zdravil do ravnanja z odpadnimi zdravili in drugimi odpadki, ki nastanejo skozi celotni proces v farmacevtski industriji. In ker industrija skupaj z razvojem pomeni nenehno črpanje naravnih virov, je edini možni razvoj – trajnostni razvoj, ki poudarja gospodarsko rast s skladnim delovanjem na treh področjih: gospodarstvu, okolju in družbenem razvoju. Magistrsko delo v prvem delu predstavi začetke farmacevtske industrije v eni izmed slovenskih regij, definira tri vidike trajnostnega razvoja – gospodarski, družbeno-kulturni in okoljski vidik, podrobneje trajnostni razvoj in odpadke ter predstavi farmacevtsko podjetja X, ki se ukvarja s proizvodnjo generičnih zdravil. V delu je posebej predstavljena njihova okoljska politika in zaposleni, še posebej njihovo izobraževanje glede trajnostnega razvoja in odpadkov ter njihovo ravnanje z odpadki. Sledi empirična analiza anketnega vprašalnika, ki je bil izveden med zaposlenimi v proizvodnji podjetja X, primerjava lastnih ugotovitev z ugotovitvami iz letnega poročila podjetja o trajnostnem razvoju in glavne ugotovitve. V sklepu magistrskega dela so podani nekateri trajnostno usmerjeni ukrepi podjetju X za lažji prehod na zeleno oz. krožno gospodarstvo.

Keywords:farmacevtska industrija, trajnostni razvoj, odpadki, krožno gospodarstvo, podjetje X
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-101777 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:35699037 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:05.07.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Sustainable waste management in the pharmaceutical company x
Pharmaceutical industry is on the one side highly dependent on environment and on the other side, it is one of the major environmental pollutants. It pollutes it from input materials, the use of a variety of chemicals, development and clinical trials, the promotion of excessive consumption of medicines to the management of waste medicines and other wastes that arise throughout the entire process in the pharmaceutical industry. Because industry, together with development, means the continuous exploitation of natural resources, the only possible development is sustainable development, which emphasizes economic growth with coherent action in three areas: economy, environment and social development. At the introduction of the master's thesis we present the beginnings of the pharmaceutical industry in one of the Slovenian regions, define three aspects of sustainable development - economic, socio-cultural and environmental aspect, more precisely sustainable development and waste, and we present pharmaceutical company X, which deals with production of generic medicines. In thesis, we present their environmental policy and employees, in particular their education on sustainable development and waste, and their management of waste. Then follows the empirical analysis of the survey questionnaire, which was implemented among employees of the production in company X and a comparison of our own findings with findings from the company's annual report on sustainable development. In the conclusion of the thesis, some sustainably targeted measures are given to company X for easier transition to green, circular economy.

Keywords:Pharmaceutical industry, sustainable development, waste, circular economy, company X

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