
Enota za DJ-e/didžeje
ID Garibaldi, Eva (Author), ID Pritržnik, Lidija (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Diplomsko delo je osredotočeno na načrtovanje DJ enote, ki nudi možnost prilagajanja različnim uporabnikom in okoljem. Skozi analizo obstoječih rešitev, poglobljeno analizo procesa, potreb in okolij, v katere je DJ umeščen, je predstavljen načrt produkta, ki upošteva celotno uporabniško pot – vse od logistike, procesa mešanja glasbe, vzdrževanja opreme ter reševanja drugih, tekom analize zaznanih težav. V prvem delu je predstavljena raziskovalna faza, ki vključuje analizo zgodovinskega ozadja in etnologijo DJ-evega dela ter popis ključne standardne tehnične opreme, postavitev in okolij, v katerih se DJ nahaja. Nato so skozi uporabniško analizo predstavljene potrebe DJ-jev, zajete s kvantitativno in kvalitativno metodo raziskovanja. Rezultati slednje predstavljajo izhodišče za načrtovalski del diplomskega dela, v katerem je predstavljen načrt DJ enote, ki rešuje zaznane težave DJ-a in avdiotehnika. Razviti koncepti so preizkušeni in ovrednoteni s strani končnih uporabnikov.

Keywords:industrijsko oblikovanje DJ enota oblikovanje pohištva glasba DJ diplomska naloga
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:ALUO - Academy of Fine Arts and Design
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-101767 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:04.07.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Unit for DJs
The central topic of the following BA thesis is the design of an adaptable DJ unit that is suitable for use by different users in various work environments. The product is presented following an analysis of available products, and of a DJs workflow, needs and work environments. Its design takes into account the full user experience: logistics, mixing, equipment maintenance and problem-solving. The research presented in the first part features an analysis of the historical background, as well as the ethnological aspects of a DJs work. A record of the essential standard technical equipment, set ups and work environments is also given. A subsequent user analysis provides an outline of DJs needs through the use of quantitative and qualitative research methods. The latter's results form the basis of the thesis' design segment that presents the design for a DJ unit that would resolve the known problems dealt with by DJs and sound technicians. The developed concepts have all been tested and evaluated by end users.

Keywords:industrial design DJ unit furniture design music DJ BA thesis

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