
Podobe - vizualni nomadi
ID Paller, Mia (Author), ID Lenárdič, Zmago (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Kapus, Sergej (Comentor)

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Naše vizualno okolje je kompleksen preplet znakov, slik, besedila in simbolov, ki jim je težko določiti sidrišče. Reference se neprestano križajo, pojavnosti pa potujejo z enega konca sveta na drugega. Sliko pojmujem kot proto-ekran, na katerega se projicira mešanje ter plastenje vizualnega gradiva kot posledica vsakodnevnega soočanja s ploho podob. V diplomskem delu analiziram, kako v moji slikarski praksi prihaja do srečanja disparatnih elementov. Slike in risbe na eni strani nastajajo kot reciklaža, ki v umetnosti združuje različne pristope. Stranski produkti slikanja, fragmenti besedil, zapiski, skice in zavržene ideje ponovno zavzamejo svoje mesto v sliki. Na drugi strani v svoja dela vključujem fotografije iz revij in reprodukcije del drugih avtorjev ter se navezujem na apropriacijo. Ta odpira vprašanja avtorstva ter originala, ponuja pa tudi razmislek o sodobnih komunikacijskih poteh ter reproduktibilnosti podob. Rezultat kolažiranja in manipuliranja z vizualnim gradivom je slika v sliki. Podobe niso izolirane, temveč so nestalne entitete, ki se ves čas preseljujejo – so vizualni nomadi.

Keywords:slikarstvo podoba v podobi šiv v filmu vmesnik zrcalo apropriacija postmodernizem reciklaža kolaž diplomska naloga
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:ALUO - Academy of Fine Arts and Design
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-101766 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:04.07.2018
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Title:Images - visual nomads
Our visual environment is a complex net of signs, pictures, texts and symbols whose origins are hard to track. The references are constantly intersecting one another and appearances are travelling across the world. I regard picture as a proto-screen where the layering of visual material is being projected as the confrontation with the flood of images. In the thesis, I analyse how disparate elements converge in my painting practice. On the one hand, I make use of the recycling which can, within the notion of art, include a variety of different approaches. The side products of painting, text fragments, abandoned sketches and notes return into the picture. On the other hand I use magazine photographs and reproductions of different artworks which is related to appropriation. The latter raises questions about authorship and originality and stimulates the examination of modern communication and reproducibility of images. Combining and manipulating the visual material results in a picture within a picture. Images are not isolated, but changeable entities that are constantly migrating – they are visual nomads.

Keywords:painting image within an image suture in the film interface mirror appropriation postmodernism recycling collage BA thesis

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