Brands are a part of everyone's life, because we are in contact with them on daily basis. Nevertheless it sometimes happenes that consumers do not differentiate a brand from a product. Batey defines the difference between them in four points. The analysis of focus groups, based on the defined differences, showed that all consumers perceive Harry Potter as a brand. Next follows an analysis of brand identity with an emphasis on Kapfer's identity pyramid, which describes brand perception among consumers and the general public. Analysis results show, that the Harry Potter brand's position in consumers minds is clear, positive and strong. Then the subject of personal branding is adressed. Harry is a physical, yet a made up person. Based on Rain's and others' definition of nine characteristics for an effective character, it's analysis was made, which showed that it corresponds to all of them. That results in his higher likability and uniqueness on a saturated market. In addition to brand development, one of the key parts of this thesis is anthropomorphization. We were interested in establishing if and how much consumers anthropomorphizise the Harry Potter character. We focused on whether the character has human characteristics, emotions, motivation, if he is capable of thinking with his own head, if he is conscious of the consequences of his actions etc. Results suggest that everyone attributes him human characteristics and therefore anthropomorphizise him. Differences were noticed on the strength of the anthropomorphization, which is analyzed based on the definition of strong and weak anthropomorphization.