
Vzpostavitev sistema za genetski monitoring navadne bukve (Fagus sylvatica L.) in bele jelke (Abies alba Mill.)
ID Finžgar, Domen (Author), ID Kraigher, Hojka (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Westergren, Marjana (Comentor)

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S pridobitvijo Evropskega LIFE+ projekta LIFEGENMON je Gozdarski inštitut Slovenije skupaj s partnerji iz še dveh držav pridobil možnost za razvoj sistema gozdnega genetskega monitoringa (GGM) za dve drevesni vrsti – navadno bukev in belo jelko. V nalogi skušamo odgovoriti na zastavljeno hipotezo, ali so izvorne metode (protokoli) primerne za učinkovito spremljanje genetske pestrosti gozdov iz demografskega in fenološkega vidika? Predstavljene so metode in triletni rezultati dela na dveh ploskvah za GGM v Sloveniji. Po izboru ploskev, pri katerem smo upoštevali dopolnjene mednarodne kriterije, predstavljene v nalogi, smo na vsaki izmed ploskev vzorčili in označili 250 odraslih dreves in 200 dreves v pomladku. Na vsaki ploskvi smo zabeležili osnovne sestojne značilnosti, ocenili obrod, če je bilo to mogoče, in preverili gospodarjenje s sestojem znotraj ploskve v preteklosti. Na 40 izbranih odraslih drevesih in v pomladitvenih jedrih smo spremljali fenološke faze brstenja, moškega in ženskega cvetenja, pri bukvi tudi rumenenja listov. Zbrane podatke smo shranjevali v LIFEGENMON bazo podatkov, ki smo jo oblikovali posebej za ta projekt. Rezultati kažejo, da je vpeljava uniformnega koncepta GGM težavna zaradi različne biologije izbranih drevesnih vrst. Pri ocenjevanju fenologije opažamo majhne razlike v pričetku določenih fenofaz med opazovanimi leti. Predlagamo nekatere dopolnitve trenutnih protokolov za spremljanje genetske pestrosti gozdov.

Keywords:genetska pestrost gozdov, monitoring, fenologija, koncept, LIFEGENMON
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-101715 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:5121190 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:30.06.2018
FINŽGAR, Domen, 2018, Vzpostavitev sistema za genetski monitoring navadne bukve (Fagus sylvatica L.) in bele jelke (Abies alba Mill.) [online]. Master’s thesis. [Accessed 28 March 2025]. Retrieved from:
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Secondary language

Title:Implementation of Forest Genetic Monitoring System for European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) and Silver fir (Abies alba Mill.)
Slovenian Forestry Institute is developing a system for Forest Genetic Monitoring (FGM) for two species – Fagus sylvatica and Abies alba within the LIFE+ project LIFEGENMON. In this Thesis we test a hypothesis whether the protocols established at the beginning of the project meet the demands for efficient monitoring of genetic diversity from a demographic and phenological point of view. We present the methods used and results of the first three years of work on the research plots in Slovenia. After the plots were established, we sampled and marked 250 adult trees and 200 seedlings from natural regeneration on each of the plots. We assessed general stand properties, fructification and history of forest management. On 40 trees per plot and in the natural regeneration, phenological stages of bud bursting, male/female flowering and in beech also leaf senescence were assessed. The data was stored in a customly designed database. The results suggest difficulties in implementing an unified FGM system due to the different biology of species. We observed small differences between the start of different phenological stages between years. We propose some modifications of current protocols for their optimisation.

Keywords:genetic diversity of forests, monitoring, phenology, concept, LIFEGENMON

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