
Narava kot pravni subjekt
ID Korimšek, Maja (Author), ID Novak, Aleš (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Narava kot pravni subjekt je teza o priznanju pravne sposobnosti, to je sposobnosti biti nosilec pravic in dolžnosti, posameznim delom narave. Legitimnost priznanja pravic je utemeljena na interesni teoriji o naravi pravice z upoštevanjem bioloških interesov narave kot pravno relevantnih. Uveljavljanje in varovanje teh interesov je zagotovljeno z določitvijo pravnega zastopnika, ki bi v imenu posamezne naravne entitete sprožil ustrezne pravne postopke. V primeru ogrožanja ali povzročitve škode naravi ima ona sama, zaradi pridobljene pravne subjektivitete, status oškodovanca in prisojena restitucija gre v njeno korist. Narava pa ni le pravno temveč tudi moralno upoštevna. Nujnost razširitve moralnega okvira na naravo obravnavam skozi prizmo okoljske etike preko katere utemeljim intrinzično vrednost narave in s tem aksiološko podlago za priznanje njenih zakonitih pravic.

Keywords:Narava, pravni subjekt, pravna sposobnost, priznanje pravic, biološki interesi, okoljska etika, intrinzična vrednost.
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-101701 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:16215377 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:29.06.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Nature as a legal subject
Nature as a legal subject is a thesis on the recognition of legal capacity, that is, the ability to be the holder of rights and duties, of individual parts of nature. The legitimacy of the recognition of rights is based on the interest theory of rights, taking into account the biological interests of nature as legally relevant. Enforcement and protection of these interests are ensured by the appointment of a legal representative who, in the name of a natural entity, will initiate appropriate legal proceedings. In the event of endangering or causing damage to nature, she has, based on her acquired legal subjectivity, status of the injured party and the granting of legal relief goes to her benefit. Nature is not only legally but also morally relevant. Through the prism of environmental ethics, I am addressing the necessity of extending the moral framework to include nature and on that ground establishing the intrinsic value of nature and thus the axiological basis for the recognition of legal rights.

Keywords:Nature, legal subject, legal capacity, recognition of rights, biological interests, environmental ethics, intrinsic value.

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