
Simbolika in dojemanje dreves na primeru javnih prostorov v mestu Kamnik
ID Vrhovnik, Tjaša (Author), ID Schmitzer, Valentina (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Vloga dreves in odnos človeka do rastlin sta se skozi zgodovino spreminjala. Drevesa so že od nekdaj predstavljala simbol in vir življenja. Estetski vidik, uporabna vrednost, psihološka vloga in verovanje v drevesne duhove so prispevali k zaščiti in ohranjanju posebnih dreves. Sprva so bila cenjena naravna entiteta, kasneje pa je bil njihov pomen nadgrajen z družbeno vsebino. Delo vsebuje opis in razlago kompleksnega pojmovanja simbolike dreves, od svetovnega drevesa, svetih in posvečenih dreves do drevesa življenja v različnih kulturah. Drevesna simbolika je razčlenjena na način, na katerega se drevo pojavlja v prostoru, in glede na simboliko drevesne vrste. Razčlenitev drevesnih volumnov v krajini na točkovne, linijske in gručne, pripomore k boljšemu razumevanju posameznih zasaditev in prepoznavanju hierarhičnih vzorcev, ki nam pomagajo pri orientaciji v prostoru. Likovne lastnosti drevesa so ključne nosilke simbolike drevesne vrste. Simbolika posamezenega drevesa se je preko zgodb in legend razvila v splošno pojmovanje drevesne vrste, bodisi kot zavetnice, simbola moči, vzdržljivosti bodisi žalovanja. Kot se je pokazalo, običajno vrednost posameznim drevesom narašča sorazmerno z vlogo, ki jo imajo znotraj določene skupnosti. V posameznem drevesu ali skupini dreves se namreč prepleta več vlog, ki ustvarjajo vezi med ljudmi in imajo sposobnost, da v času sooblikujejo ter preoblikujejo prostor. Tudi v Kamniku je nekaj dreves, ki veljajo za nosilce kulturnega spomina. Gre za posamezna drevesa, linije ali gruče drevesnih vrst, npr. velikolistna lipa (Tilia platyphyllos) ob pokopališču Žale, rdečelistna navadna bukev (Fagus sylvatica f. purpurea) kot reprezentativno drevo, gruča navadnih divjih kostanjev (Aesculus hippocastanum) na tržnici ali brezovi drevoredi (Betula pendula) ob pomembnejših mestnih vpadnicah. Takšna drevesa, zaradi svoje starosti, oblike habitusa in aktivnosti, povezanih z njimi, soustvarjajo prostor in vplivajo na naše dojemanje.

Keywords:drevo, simbolni pomen, dojemanje rastlin, identiteta prostora
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher:[T. Vrhovnik]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-101695 This link opens in a new window
UDC:712.41:159.937.5(497.4 Kamnik)(043.2)
COBISS.SI-ID:8996985 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:28.06.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Symbolism and perception of trees - a case study of trees in public spaces in Kamnik city center
The role of trees and the relationship between man and tree has changed over the course of history. In addition to economic aspects, trees have always carried a potent symbolic meaning representing the source of life. Aesthetics, usefulness, their psychological role and belief in the existence of tree ghosts have contributed to the protection and preservation of special trees. Over time, trees as a natural entity have been upgraded with social content. The master thesis contains a description and explanation of the complex concept of tree symbolism through history - cosmic tree, sacred tree and the tree of life in various world cultures. Tree symbolism is discussed in terms of the symbolism of the space occupied by the tree and intrinsic symbolism of the tree species. Trees are volumetric constituents of landscape and as such contribute to planting comprehension and recognition of hierarchical patterns in space. The artistic features of particular tree species help us to recognize its symbolic meaning. Often, the symbolism of a specific tree has developed into a general concept of a tree species. In stories and legends, trees represent a shelter, a symbol of power, endurance or mourning. The value of each tree grows proportionally to its role in a community. Several roles of an individual tree or group of trees create bonds with people and have the ability to co-shape and transform the space in time. Several symbolic trees in Kamnik are considered bearers of cultural memory. There are some individual trees, tree lines, or clumps for example largeleaf linden (Tilia platyphyllos) near the cemetery, copper beech (Fagus sylvatica f. purpurea) as representative tree, a cluster of horse chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum) on the market, or birch trees (Betula pendula) in avenues along the main town streets. Such trees help define the meaning of space and influence our perception because of the age, shape and activities related to them.

Keywords:tree, symbolic meaning, perception of plant material, space identity

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