
Sposobnost čustvenega procesiranja, strah pred intimo in zadovoljstvo v partnerskem odnosu
ID Drozg, Monika (Author), ID Simonič, Barbara (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V magistrskem delu so predstavljena temeljna čustva in proces izražanja, prepoznavanja in uravnavanja čustev, prikazan je zgodovinski okvir in različne definicije čustvenega procesiranja ter potek razvoja čustvenega procesiranja in opis mehanizmov. Intimnost je predstavljena skozi model procesa razvoja intimnosti, omenjen je tudi vpliv navezanosti na razvoj intimnosti, kako se intimnost razvije v partnerskem odnosu, kako se odraža in zakaj se rodi strah pred intimo pri posamezniku ter kasneje v partnerskem odnosu. Predstavljena je zaljubljenost in izbira partnerja, partnerski odnos in nekaj glavnih značilnosti kvalitetnega partnerskega odnosa. Nazadnje je predstavljen pristop relacijske družinske in zakonske terapije ter njene intervencije, ki temeljijo na razvojnih obdobjih čustvenih kompetenc. Raziskava magistrskega dela je iskala povezanost med strahom pred intimo, sposobnostjo čustvenega procesiranja in zadovoljstvom v partnerskem odnosu. Podrobno je raziskovala, ali obstaja povezanost med stopnjo čustvenega procesiranja in strahom pred intimo ter, ali se stopnja čustvenega procesiranja in strahu pred intimo povezujeta z zadovoljstvom v partnerskem odnosu. Raziskovala je tudi, ali obstajajo razlike med spoloma v sposobnosti čustvenega procesiranja, torej sposobnosti čustvenega izražanja, zavedanja in stabilnosti ter ali je več strahu pred intimo moč zaznati pri moških ali pri ženskah. Ustrezno in v celoti izpolnjenih je bilo 277 vprašalnikov, od tega je bilo 80 (29 %) moških in 197 (71 %) žensk. Povprečna starost vseh udeležencev je bila 30 let (M= 30,77). Rezultati so pokazali, da obstaja nizek trend, da višja, kot je stopnja čustvene stabilnosti in čustvenega zavedanja, nižja je stopnja strahu pred intimo. Rezultati kažejo, da obstaja nizek trend, da višja, kot je stopnja čustvenega procesiranja, višje je zadovoljstvo v partnerski zvezi, ter da obstaja zmerni trend, da višji kot je strah pred intimo, nižje je zadovoljstvo v partnerskem odnosu. Na vzorcu ni bila dokazana statistično pomembna razlika med moškimi in ženskami v stopnji čustvenega procesiranja. Vendar obstajajo na vzorcu statistično pomembne razlike med moškimi in ženskami pri sposobnosti čustvenega izražanja, čustvenega zavedanja in čustvene stabilnosti. Pri preverjanju razlik med spoloma v stopnji strahu pred intimo ni bilo mogoče dokazati statistično pomembnih razlik.

Keywords:čustveno procesiranje, partnerski odnos, zadovoljstvo, strah, intimnost, relacijska družinska in zakonska terapija.
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:TEOF - Theological Faculty
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-101694 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:10827779 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:28.06.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Ability of Emotional Processing, Fear of Intimacy and Relationship Satisfaction
The master’s thesis presents the basic emotions and the process of expressing, recognizing and managing emotions; presented are the historical framework, different definitions of emotional processing, the developmental course of emotional processing and a description of mechanisms is provided. Intimacy is presented through a model of the process of developing intimacy. It is also mentioned, how dependency affects the development of intimacy, how intimacy develops within the relationship, how it reflects and how the fear of intimacy arises in the individual and later in the relationship. Presented are the infatuation and the selection of the partner, the relationship as such and some of the main characteristics of a quality relationship. Finally, the thesis presents the approach of relational family and couples therapy and its interventions, which are based on developmental periods of emotional competences. The research of the master’s thesis was looking for the correlation between fear of intimacy, the ability of emotional processing and the satisfaction in the relationship. It thoroughly analysed, if there is a correlation between the level of emotional processing and the fear of intimacy and if the level of emotional processing and the fear of intimacy are correlated with the satisfaction in the relationship. It also analysed, if there are any differences between men and women in terms of the ability of emotional processing, namely the ability of emotional expression, awareness and stability, and whether there is more fear of intimacy in men or in women. We obtained 277 properly and entirely filled out questionnaires, 80 (29%) by men and 197 (71%) by women. The average age of the respondents was 30 years (M = 30,77). The results have shown that there is a low trend; the higher the level of emotional stability and emotional awareness, the lower the level of fear of intimacy. The results show that there is a low trend; the higher the level of emotional processing, the higher the satisfaction in the relationship, and that there is a moderate trend; the higher the fear of intimacy, the lower the satisfaction in the relationship. On the sample, a high statistically significant difference in the level of emotional processing between men and women has not been proven. However, there are statistically significant differences between men and women in terms of the ability of emotional expression, emotional awareness and emotional stability. It was not possible to prove statistically significant differences between men and women in terms of the fear of intimacy.

Keywords:Emotional processing, relationship, satisfaction, fear, intimacy, relational family and couples therapy.

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