
Marketinška usmeritev in oblikovanje v slovenski pohištveni industriji
ID Miška, Ajda (Author), ID Kamin, Tanja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Pezdirc, Vladimir (Comentor)

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Uspeh podjetij je odvisen od njihove zmožnosti identificiranja potreb potrošnikov in proizvodnje izdelkov, ki zadostijo tem potrebam. Marketinško usmerjena podjetja so tista, ki najučinkoviteje ustvarjajo superiorno vrednost za potrošnike, kar podjetjem prinese nadpovprečne poslovne rezultate. Ključen dejavnik uspeha je tudi industrijsko oblikovanje, ki pa je v podjetjih velikokrat marginalizirano, razumljeno le kot nekaj, kar je »lepo imeti«, ne pa kot temeljna strateška naravnanost podjetja. Številne raziskave so pokazale, da se investicije v oblikovanje izplačajo, saj vodijo do povečanja prodaje, tržnega deleža in profita. Magistrsko delo raziskuje razvitost marketinške usmeritve v slovenskih pohištvenih podjetjih in mesto, ki ga ima industrijsko oblikovanje v le-teh. Podatki so bili zbrani s pol strukturiranimi intervjuji ter analizirani z metodo tematske analize. Raziskava je pokazala, da, ko govorimo o marketinški usmeritvi in oblikovanju v analiziranih slovenskih pohištvenih podjetjih, govorimo o dveh zelo različnih svetovih. S pomočjo tematske analize smo prišli do dveh prevladujočih tem. Pri prvi temi – močna marketinška usmeritev – so intervjuvanci govorili o izjemnem pomenu informacij in njihovem pretoku po podjetju, o usmerjenosti k potrošniku ter o dizajnu kot razlikovalni prednosti. Pri drugi temi – šibka marketinška usmeritev – pa sta prevladovali prodajna miselnost in poudarjanje pomena velikih pohištvenikov ter zapostavljanje industrijskega oblikovanja.

Keywords:marketinška usmeritev, industrijsko oblikovanje, pohištvena industrija, tematska analiza
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-101689 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:35680349 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:27.06.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Market orientation and design in Slovene furniture industry
A company’s business success depends on its ability to identify the needs of its customers and consequently, to provide products which satisfy their needs. Market oriented companies are capable of creating superior value for their customers which can lead to their superior business results. A key factor in the company's success is also industrial design which is often marginalized and only understood as something which is »nice to have« when in reality it should be the main strategic direction of the company. There are many studies which show that investing in design pays off, because investments lead to an increase in sales, market share and profits. The aim of this thesis is to explore the level of development of market orientation in Slovene furniture companies and furthermore explores the position industrial design has in these companies. The data was gathered by conducting semi structured interviews and later analysed using thematic analysis. The research showed that when talking about market orientation and design in the analysed furniture companies, we notice two quite different worlds. Using thematic analysis, we identified two main themes. In the first theme – strong market orientation – the interviewees talked about the importance of information gathering and spreading them throughout the company; they talked about customer orientation and about design as a competitive advantage. In the other theme – weak market orientation – the interviewees talked about sales orientation and what an important influencers the big, foreign furniture sellers are. In addition, there was an evident sense of neglect regarding industrial design.

Keywords:market orientation, industrial design, furniture industry, thematic analysis

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