
Predlog ureditev za obiskovalce v Krajinskem parku Ljubljansko barje
ID Blatnik, Špela (Author), ID Golobič, Mojca (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Krajinski park Ljubljansko barje ima zaradi svoje bogate naravne in kulturne dediščine velik potencial za trajnostno turistično destinacijo na pragu glavnega mesta. Trenutna infrastruktura za obiskovanje parka je pomanjkljiva in neustrezna, zato smo v okviru magistrske naloge pripravili predlog mreže vstopnih točk, ki bo obiskovalcem omogočale lažje obiskovanje parka. Oblikovali smo kriterije in usmeritve za umeščanje in opremljanje vstopnih točk. Glavno vodilo je bil trajnostni razvoj in trajnostna mobilnost. Tu velik potencial ponuja nekoč že plovna reka Ljubljanica, na kateri trenutno velja prepoved plovbe med Vrhniko in Ljubljano. Pripravili smo predlog enodnevnih izletov za različne tipe obiskovalcev in prikazali intermodalnost različnih trajnostnih oblik prevoza. Pripravili smo predlog za pilotni primer ureditve na območju naravne vrednote Jezera pri Podpeči, kjer se srečujejo predvsem s problematiko pomanjkljive infrastrukture ob poletnih konicah obiska. Predlagali smo ureditev parkiranja, otroško igrišče, sanitarije in razgledno ploščad z informacijskimi tablami ter nujno opremo za sedenje.

Keywords:prostorsko načrtovanje, Ljubljansko barje, krajinski park, vstopna točka, jezero, infrastruktura za obiskovalce, Ljubljanica, plovna pot
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-101629 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:22.06.2018
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Secondary language

Title:A suggestion of arrangements in the Ljubljana Marsh Natural Park
Due to its rich natural and cultural heritage, the Ljubljana Marsh Nature Park has a great potential to become a sustainable tourist destination on the outskirts of the Slovenian capital Ljubljana. The current infrastructure for visiting the park is lacking and unsuitable. In this master’s thesis we therefore suggest a network of entry points, which will enable the visitors an easier visit to the park. We formed criteria and guidelines to implement and equip the entry points. Our main guideline was sustainable development and sustainable mobility. A great potential lies in the Ljubljanica River, which was once sailable, but is currently closed for sailing between Vrhnika and Ljubljana. We prepared suggestions for one-day trips for different types of visitors. Furthermore, we showed the intermodality of different sustainable means of transport. We presented a suggestion of a pilot example for a new regime in the area of the natural assets of Jezero pri Podpeči, which deals with the problem of lacking infrastructure during the summer rush-hours. We suggested a new parking arrangement, children’s playground, toilets and a lookout spot with information boards and the necessary sitting equipment.

Keywords:spatial planning, Ljubljana Marsh, Natural Park, entry point, lake, infrastructure for visiting, river Ljubljanica, waterway

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